SSL and Cryptography
This free book is an excellent tutorial book for beginners. It is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning cryptography himself. Topics include Blowfish, CA, certificate, cipher, cryptography, CSR, decryption, DES, encryption, Java, JCE, JDK, OpenSSL, PEM, private key, public key, RSA, sample codes, secret key, self-signed certificate, SSL, X509. Key sections: Basic Concepts - Cipher - DES Algorithm - DES Algorithm - Illustrated with Java Programs - DES Algorithm - Java Implementation - JDK/JCE - Cipher for Encryption and Decryption - Cipher - Blowfish Algorithm - 8366 Hex Digits of PI - What is OpenSSL? - Installing OpenSSL on Windows - Generating RSA Key Pairs - Viewing Components of RSA Keys - Encrypting RSA Keys - What is a certificate? - Generating Self-Signed Certificates - Viewing Components of Certificates - Why Certificates Need to Be Signed by CAs? - Generating a Certificate Signing Request for Your Own Public Key - Viewing Components of Certificate Signing Request - Signing a Certificate Signing Request - Certification Path Validation - Using Certificates in Web Browsers.
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