A collection of notes and simple codes on JDK. Topics include, calendar & dates, formatting, internationalization, collections, character sets &...
This tiny tutorial is for those who are familiar with regular expressions in Perl and want to use them in Java too. I give some examples in Perl on...
Ensure your success in SCBCD exam with Whizlabs Simulator, the most effective training software for the Sun Certified Business Component Developer...
Arrays are dynamically created objects in Java code. An array can hold a number of variables of the same type. The variables can be primitives or...
Now let's look at ways we can modify classes, methods, and variables. There are two kinds of modifiers -- access modifiers and non-access...
A constructor is used when creating an object from a class. The constructor name must match the name of the class and must not have a return type....
The flow control statements allow you to conditionally execute statements, to repeatedly execute a block of statements, or to just change the...
An assertion is a statement containing a boolean expression that is assumed to be true when the statement is executed. The system reports an...
Exceptions are Java objects; exception classes are derived from java.lang.Throwable.
A Java programmer does not have to worry about memory management, because it is automatically taken care of by the garbage collector. The Java...
An object is eligible for garbage collection when no live thread can access it. An object can become eligible for garbage collection in different...
Java technology allows you to use the finalize() method to do the necessary cleanup before the garbage collector removes the object from memory.
A package represents a group of classes.
An interface is like a public class that has only abstract and public methods. The variables declared in an interface are implicitly public,...
Keywords are reserved words that are predefined in the language.
Integer literals can be decimal, octal, or hexadecimal.
Understand assignment operators.
We can use the == operator to compare the values of primitive variables and determine if they are equal. However, if object reference variables are...
If the variable passed is a primitive, only a copy of the variable is actually passed to the method. So modifying the variable within the method...
Encapsulation is the concept of hiding the implementation details of a class and allowing access to the class through a public interface.