
Session: simple password protection
Usage of sessions is sortly explained by using two examples: a hit counter and a simple password protection script.
Views: 1404 |
| by Adam
PHP - Cookies and Sessions

Basic Sessions Tutorial with Register Globals Switched Off
This is a basic sessions tutorial where the register globals are switched off.
Views: 1040 |
| by John
PHP - Cookies and Sessions

Using Cookies & File Appending
Explains how to set and check for cookies using PHP. Also demonstrates a simple way to read and write data to a file.
Views: 1133 |
| by Nick
PHP - Cookies and Sessions

Implementing Cross-Domain Cookies
According to the cookie specification, any cookie set for one domain, must not be sent to any other domain. Therefore, if you set a cookie in your...
Views: 1156 |
| by Jason
PHP - Cookies and Sessions

Custom Session Handlers in PHP4
This document describes how to customize the session handlers in PHP4. It provides examples of how to write a fully functional session handler that...
Views: 1140 |
| by Ben
PHP - Cookies and Sessions

Learn how to add and play around with cookies.
Views: 942 |
| by Jason
PHP - Cookies and Sessions

Setting Cookies
You may need to set cookies to remember certain information such as users, if they have visited or not, etc. etc.
Views: 896 |
| by Source
PHP - Cookies and Sessions

PHP Sessions
Sessions can store user information, heres how to use them
Views: 901 |
| by Jason
PHP - Cookies and Sessions

Remembering Users (Cookies and Sessions)
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a stateless protocol. To say it in a simple way: A client (web browser) connects to a web server, sends a...
Views: 832 |
| by Slicer
PHP - Cookies and Sessions

Cookies and You
Learn about cookies and where and how to use them
Views: 920 |
| by Jason
PHP - Cookies and Sessions

Turning off Session IDs
The article outlines 2 solutions for removing the appending of the session id to the the url.
Views: 897 |
| by Daniel
PHP - Cookies and Sessions

This tutorial will help you understand: What is a session. How use session in a PHP script. A session test with 3 scripts. How session ID can be...
Views: 900 |
| by Jason
PHP - Cookies and Sessions

Using Cookies
This tutorial will help you understand: What is a Cookie? Sending and Receiving Cookies Output Control Functions Persistent Cookies Other...
Views: 878 |
| by Troy
PHP - Cookies and Sessions

Learning session with examples
basics of sessions is described, and two examples are used to ilustrate it: Showing number of times we have visit a page during a session, and...
Views: 882 |
| by Marry
PHP - Cookies and Sessions

PHP Script Tips - Understanding and Managing Cookies
A collection of 23 tips on understanding and managing cookies in PHP. Clear explanations and tutorial exercises are provided on setting and...
Views: 855 |
| by Steve
PHP - Cookies and Sessions

PHP Script Tips - Understanding and Managing Sessions
A collection of 19 tips on understanding and using sessions in PHP. Clear explanations and tutorial exercises are provided on starting and closing...
Views: 806 |
| by Isac
PHP - Cookies and Sessions

In this tutorial we will discuss how sessions are managed, Introduce cookies, configure PHP session management library, PHP session management
Views: 882 |
| by Slicer
PHP - Cookies and Sessions

Cookies In PHP
One of the most powerful tools available to the web developer are http cookies. This short article will help you understand cookies.
Views: 947 |
| by Source
PHP - Cookies and Sessions

Learning Sessions
Sessions are basically cookies with a fallback, they end when you close you're browser.
Views: 886 |
| by Jarry
PHP - Cookies and Sessions

Today you will learn how to store data in cookies.
Views: 936 |
| by Ben
PHP - Cookies and Sessions

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