When done right, these auditory cues provide instant feedback to a user from an application. But getting the right sounds for your app does not...
The concept of RAID, so often put aside in Linux documentation for all those smart systems administrators, is actually not something that takes a...
Some may like their CD-RW drives to make nothing but coasters, but for the rest of us, the frustration of a mishandled CD-burn can drive us crazy....
Got them ol' licensing fee blues? Looking for a better way to handle your database needs? Sybase for Linux may be one way to solve your...
One of the biggest challanges that a new Linux user faces when they first install any distro is how to cope with this thing called partitioning....
With all of the hub-bub about Linux in clusters, Linux on supercomputers, and the like, sometimes it's nice to reflect on the basics a bit....
This updated HOW TO covers the complex Plug-and-Play (PnP) issue, including how to get PnP to work on your PC (if it doesn't already).
Most UNIX-based systems have the concept of a serial console. Linux is no exception to this, and this document by Mark F. Komarinski covers how to...
This updated HOWTO covers selecting, connecting, configuring, troubleshooting, and understanding modems for a PC running Linux.
This Linux Mini-HOWTO teaches you how to plan and create partitions on IDE and SCSI hard drives. It discusses partitioning terminology and...
This is a detailed guide to kernel configuration, compilation, upgrades, and troubleshooting for ix86-based systems.
This HOWTO describes how you can use the combination of X Display Manager (xdm, kdm and gdm) and XDMCP (X Display Manager Control Protocol) to...
This document introduces Linux users to the Emacs editor. It assumes minimal familiarity with vi or a similar editor.
This HOWTO, maintained by Hal Burgiss, tells how to improve ugly and unreadable X Window fonts. It includes various tips for improving font...
In this HOWTO, Robert B. Easter details how to install the OpenGL drivers for Nvidia graphics cards on Linux. In addition to just installing the...
Need to share data between your Linux machines and other machines on your network? You should consider using NFS as a mechanism for this file...
Now that you've mastered the basics of setting up a small-office/home-office Linux network, it's time to tackle an incredibly important...
In this introductory column, Michael Hall explores the basics of GNOME: how to get it, how to install it, and how to tweak it.
One of the neatest things to do with a small-office/home-office Linux installation is set up multiple workstatations to share a network connection...
In the third part of his series on basic Linux networking, Bill Wong examines one of the most popular uses of Linux networking--linking different...