Global variables are useful when you want a variable to be accessible from anywhere in your movie, even in different scenes.
This is not a very important issue for small movies, but it is a good thing to think about it.
One of the first problems programmers encountered when switching from Flash 5 to Flash MX was the variables scope.
We have talked already about scope issues and addressing. They're tricky. Well there's very particular issue I want to talk to you about:...
_root is an alias, just as _parent and this.
First: what does increment mean? When I say that I increment a value by 1, it only means that I add 1 to this value. There are several ways I can...
There are several times when I found it helpful to get the position of an item contained in an array.
To make a duplicate of an array proves more difficult than it seems.
This operator is also used to shorten if tests. It is used in the case that: if something is true, then 1 (or 0) thing happens, otherwise 1 (or 0)...
An easy method to randomizing colors.
What the color object does is allows you ways to apply color and alpha effects to movieclip objects much in the sense of a filter.
Using the drawing API is not the easiest thing in the world, but once you get the hang of it, you can produce very easily lots of cool all-code...
Now dynamic event handlers are really one of the best things that Flash MX brought, as they allow us to change a handler at run time. You may... loops are tricky to use. What they do is simple though: they reference everything they find in an object and put it in an array.
In programming, it is nice to be able to create numbers that occur unexpectedly
When you load a movie, variables, or a text, what you load is put in the cache of your computer by your browser. This can cause problems because if...
Basically, a prototype is a function, but the difference is that you can apply it to an object. This is where the fact that Flash Actionscript is...
The basics of an RPG (role-playing game) in Flash.
Views: 605 | | by Ben
Flash - Games
Here we will make an advanced preloader which determines not only the actual percent, but the Bytes Loaded, Bytes Remaining, and other neat stuff.
Tutorial that shows you how to create a tank track that follows a path and how to animate it.