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Tweaking an image with levels

Tweaking an image with levels

Tweak the levels of an image to make an image look better.

Views: 560 | Rating star | by Jason
Photoshop - Photo Retouch

Fixing 'Dirty' Images in Photoshop.

Fixing 'Dirty' Images in Photoshop.

A technique which will fix dust, dirt, and minor scratches and will make a photograph look more professional.

Views: 0 | Rating star | by Isac
Photoshop - Photo Retouch

Photoshop Wire Tutorial

Photoshop Wire Tutorial

This is a simple photoshop tutorial which explains how to create wires in photoshop which an be added to other images and interfaces as finishing...

Views: 589 | Rating star | by Mark
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Roll Over Beethoven

Roll Over Beethoven

This tutorial demonstrates how to use Nudge and Inner Shadow to give a button that pressed-down look while the mouse cursor is over it.

Views: 950 | Rating star | by Tutorial
Photoshop - Buttons

Glitter Swirls

Glitter Swirls

Using a dotty brush, a rainbow gradient, and lots of distortion, this tutorial goes through the steps to creating a swirly, glittery website layout.

Views: 427 | Rating star | by Marry
Photoshop - Effects

Six font styles that make text stand out

Six font styles that make text stand out

It's easy to choose a font style that stands out when your text is on a monotone background. However, when the background is multi-coloured,...

Views: 593 | Rating star | by Marry
Photoshop - Text Effects

Pseudo 3d Metallic Robot Arms

Pseudo 3d Metallic Robot Arms

Learn how to make pseudo 3d metallic arms in photoshop.

Views: 576 | Rating star | by Jason
Photoshop - Drawing

High Gloss Chrome

High Gloss Chrome

Create a realistic, high-gloss chrome effect.

Views: 446 | Rating star | by Adam
Photoshop - Effects

Futuristic Grunge Interface

Futuristic Grunge Interface

Learn how to create an interface with a futuristic decay/grunge effect in photoshop.

Views: 632 | Rating star | by Daniel
Photoshop - Web Layouts

Gravity Ball Animation

Gravity Ball Animation

A gravity ball simulation utilizing a single layer through a mask.

Views: 986 | Rating star | by Slicer
Photoshop - Animation

Getting visitor information

Getting visitor information

Getting information about your visitors is interesting and sometimes useful for generating statistics, especially when you have a high traffic.

Views: 962 | Rating star | by Nick
PHP - Web Traffic Analysis

Alternating row colors

Alternating row colors

Alternating row colors is a very good way to make big tables more ergonomic and esthetic. Script and explanation here. Also explains the modulus...

Views: 533 | Rating star | by Colin
PHP - Miscellaneous

Basic drawing program

Basic drawing program

This tutorial doesn't just show you how to make a simple drawing program, it also teaches you things like error handling. Good for beginners...

Views: 880 | Rating star | by Jarry
Visual Basic - Introduction to Visual Basic

Creating and deleting dirs

Creating and deleting dirs

Will show you the basics of creating several directories named 1, 2, 3... or using a prefix like dir1, dir2, dir3. Also shows you how to delete an...

Views: 921 | Rating star | by Nick
Visual Basic - File Manipulation

An introduction to JavaScript

An introduction to JavaScript

An introduction to JavaScript, how it was born, what is it good for, different types and versions of this scripting language, and the compatibility...

Views: 958 | Rating star | by Donald
Javascript - Introduction to Javascript

Starting a JavaScript

Starting a JavaScript

How do you tell the browser that a script is starting? Moreover, how does he know what kind of script is starting? What if the browser doesn’t...

Views: 965 | Rating star | by Tutorial
Javascript - Introduction to Javascript

JavaScript identifiers

JavaScript identifiers

You will learn the meaning of identifiers and basic rules. It's good to know before you start to learn variables.

Views: 944 | Rating star | by Marry
Javascript - Introduction to Javascript

Introducing operators

Introducing operators

You’ll get familiar with JavaScript's operators. Assignment operators, arithmetic operators, comparison operators, logical and conditional...

Views: 940 | Rating star | by Nick
Javascript - Introduction to Javascript

Introducing loops

Introducing loops

Teaches you the loops in JavaScript. Each loop has its prototype and a simple example showing you how to use it.

Views: 935 | Rating star | by Jarry
Javascript - Introduction to Javascript

Understanding C++ data types I

Understanding C++ data types I

A small book for those beginners in C++ or even in programming who didn’t understand C++ data types. This is meant to be a patch to other books,...

Views: 986 | Rating star | by Brad
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp