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Slither text

Slither text

Create a similar text effect from the upcoming movie 'Slither'

Views: 458 | Rating star | by Nick
Photoshop - Text Effects

Orange Tech Menu

Orange Tech Menu

This tutorial will guide you how to step by step create this orange tech menu.

Views: 460 | Rating star | by Brad
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Blur Text Effect

Blur Text Effect

In this tutorial, I will show how to create a Blur text effect using Action Script.

Views: 672 | Rating star | by Marry
Flash - Text Effects

Rough Text Effect

Rough Text Effect

In this tutorial, I will show how to create a Rough text effect using mask effect.

Views: 711 | Rating star | by Ben
Flash - Text Effects

Clean web layout

Clean web layout

Create a clean and simple web layout in Adobe Photoshop.

Views: 639 | Rating star | by David
Photoshop - Web Layouts

Steam & Vapor

Steam & Vapor

Unlike hard-edged objects, steam has an almost ethereal quality which can be hard to replicate. With the following technique, however, you will...

Views: 346 | Rating star | by Ben
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Designing a Calendar

Designing a Calendar

This tutorial will show you how to create a fun looking calendar that can be used for a number of web applications.

Views: 457 | Rating star | by Steve
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Color Changing

Color Changing

Change the color of specific parts of pictures. In this example we change the shirt color.

Views: 324 | Rating star | by Stephen
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Using HTML in Java Swing Controls

Using HTML in Java Swing Controls

Have you ever wanted to provide text formatting in a Swing control? Have you ever wanted to have multiple lines of text in a tab? This tutorial...

Views: 946 | Rating star | by Jarry
Java - Swing

Slicing Images into Web Pages

Slicing Images into Web Pages

Got that great web interface made in Photoshop and now you need to cut it into slices and turn into a webpage (or eat it with whole wheat)? Well...

Views: 467 | Rating star | by Source
Photoshop - Web Layouts

Creating Cold Light

Creating Cold Light

Cold light conveys feelings of isolation, loneliness, and emptiness - feelings you'd hardly want from a product, but very useful if you want...

Views: 368 | Rating star | by Slicer
Photoshop - Photo Retouch

Flawless Flesh

Flawless Flesh

This tutorial will show you how to hide blemishes and bad lighting when taking shots of your friends and family. With a bit of work you can make...

Views: 490 | Rating star | by Slicer
Photoshop - Photo Retouch

Artificial Inteligence (AI)

Artificial Inteligence (AI)

Explanation of Artificial Intelligence with distance, chase, attack and rotation. With robots as example you can learn how to make smart...

Views: 632 | Rating star | by Mark
Flash - Games

21 ways to make your Flash based site suck

21 ways to make your Flash based site suck

I'm not a fan of ‘Flash based’ sites and the main reason for that is barely no-one does them properly. So here’s a list of 21 ways to...

Views: 692 | Rating star | by Sarah
Flash - Tips and Techniques

Things to consider whilst running a tutorial orientated website

Things to consider whilst running a tutorial orientated website

This article comes from the personal experiences I had whilst starting Twodded – a ‘quality tutorials’ section of the Pixel2life tutorial...

Views: 1139 | Rating star | by John
Web Design - Miscellaneous

Spirographs Using Actions And Paths

Spirographs Using Actions And Paths

In this video tutorial you'll learn how to create Spirographs using Actions and Paths.

Views: 507 | Rating star | by Simon
Photoshop - Textures and Patterns

Displaced Mosaic Text

Displaced Mosaic Text

This tutorial shows how to create a displaced Mosaic Text Effect

Views: 360 | Rating star | by John
Photoshop - Text Effects

Getting Started with PowerPoint

Getting Started with PowerPoint

PowerPoint isn't just for business. You can use it for class reports, for meeting agendas and wrap-ups, and as a tool to spark ideas in a...

Views: 969 | Rating star | by Isac
MS PowerPoint - Content and Formatting

Creating a Basic Web Page

Creating a Basic Web Page

People use FrontPage because they make the creation of Web pages fast and easy. Advantages of using FrontPage include: - Hands-on editing - Speed -...

Views: 1664 | Rating star | by Daniel
MS FrontPage - Basics

Introduction to FrontPage

Introduction to FrontPage

Here are some of the new features you'll find in FrontPage 2003 which you will learn: - HTML Split - HTML Cleanup - Quick Tag Selector - XML...

Views: 1600 | Rating star 3 | by Mathew
MS FrontPage - Basics