
Textured outline text
Create a simple, but effective textured outline text effect for use in your web graphics.
Views: 375 |
| by Mark
Photoshop - Text Effects

Mobile Monster Cell Phone Logo
Create a cool logo that can be used on a cell phone type site.
Views: 327 |
| by Daniel
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Fiery Squares Tunnel Style Abstract Background
Create an effective background image that makes you appear to be moving through a fiery square tunnel.
Views: 332 |
| by Source
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Flying Spaceship Avatar
Learn how to make a spaceship avatar in Photoshop and then animate it in Image Ready.
Views: 367 |
| by Brad
Photoshop - Drawing

3D Reflections
This tutorial takes a 2D image and turns it into a psuedo-3D effect with a reflection.
Views: 341 |
| by Brad
Photoshop - Effects

Custom handheld tablet PC
Design your own custom tablet PC. Learn how to make the case, buttons etc.
Views: 365 |
| by John
Photoshop - Drawing

Modeling and Posing a Chain
In this tutorial, I will show you how to model a chain using a simple Shape and the Array tool, rig the chain in a couple of simple steps, and pose...
Views: 762 |
| by Nick
3DS MAX - Modeling

Oracle DBA FAQ - Introduction to Oracle Database 10g Express Edition
This is a collection of FAQ on Oracle 10g XE (Express Edition) with installation and basic introduction. The answers and sample scripts provided...
Views: 924 |
| by Jason
Oracle - Miscellaneous

Oracle DBA FAQ - Managing Oracle Tablespaces and Data Files
This is a collection of FAQ for Oracle DBA on creating and managing tablespaces and data files. The clear answers and sample scripts provided can...
Views: 935 |
| by Sean
Oracle - Miscellaneous

Oracle DBA FAQ - Creating New Database Instance Manually
This is a collection of FAQ for Oracle DBA on creating Oracle database instances manually using CREATE DATABASE statement. Items in this FAQ...
Views: 927 |
| by Steve
Oracle - Miscellaneous

Onion Skin
Learn how to use onion skins when drawing and animating in Flash
Views: 1008 |
| by Isac
Flash - Drawing

Gradient Text
Learn how to add a gradient effect to text to make some great effects
Views: 337 |
| by Source
Photoshop - Text Effects

Photoshop Man of Fire
Learn to create a fire effect on images of people, and how to tweak settings to make the fire look more realistic.
Views: 316 |
| by Isac
Photoshop - Effects

Exiting an Application when a JFrame is Closed
This tutorial shows how to change the default close action to exit the application when the window is closed. In additon, this discusses the...
Views: 908 |
| by Tutorial
Java - Swing

PHP Shopping Cart Tutorial
Learn how to create a profitable online store with PHP and MySQL
Views: 1011 |
| by Donald
PHP - E Commerce

Creating a Flowing Water Effect in Maya (Using Particles)
This tutorial will teach you how to manipulate the flow of particles from a shower head into a tub as particles collide with the surface of the tub...
Views: 996 |
| by John
Maya - Animation

Material morphing
This tutorial has nothing to do with morpher modifier or morpher material. Instead, it attempts to show how a material can be changed or animated...
Views: 907 |
| by Jarry
3DS MAX - Materials

Quick grass
Learn how to make realistic grass the quick and easy way.
Views: 837 |
| by Mark
3DS MAX - Effects

Engraving text
In this tutorial, I want to show how the problem of engraving words on an object can be solved easily without the use of any plugins.
Views: 1053 |
| by Ben
3DS MAX - Text Effects

Torn Edges Header Menu
Create this navigation menu with a historical look with torn edges
Views: 341 |
| by David
Photoshop - Web Graphics

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