
The Fangtastic Tutorial
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a realistic looking fang for your art scenes.
Views: 410 |
| by Steve
Photoshop - Photo Retouch

Cars Header
A header & menu design that can be used for a cars for sale or car rental website
Views: 482 |
| by Daniel
Photoshop - Web Layouts

The Enigmatic Space Ball
Well sometimes you just play around in Photoshop and make things with only occasional practical use. This may be one of those times... but it sure...
Views: 623 |
| by Nick
Photoshop - Abstracts

Underwater Text
A cool underwater effect for your text
Views: 336 |
| by Sarah
Photoshop - Text Effects

XP Style Logo Design
Create an XP themed logo quickly and easily using these design steps.
Views: 308 |
| by Tutorial
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Modeling and Shading a Sink
During this tutorial you'll learn how to model a simple sink model, starting with a plane and adjusting that with editable poly, once the...
Views: 627 |
| by Stephen
3DS MAX - Modeling

Using 3DS Max for the first time
This tutorial will teach you the very basics of 3ds max, when you start it up for the first time you might feel completely lost and have no idea...
Views: 689 |
| by Steve
3DS MAX - Basics

Photography - How to Use Exposure Bracketing
Exposure bracketing is a simple technique professional photographers use to ensure they properly expose their pictures, especially in challenging...
Views: 606 |
| by Ben
Photoshop - Photography

Bad Weather Photography Tips
Rain is wet, but it brings forth opportunities for great photos. Reflections, highlights and the beautiful glistening of water on plants....
Views: 613 |
| by Stephen
Photoshop - Photography

Outdoor Group Portrait Photography Tips
What makes a great picture of people? Ninety percent of its quality lies in the facial expression, the rest is composition, lighting, and the...
Views: 617 |
| by Tutorial
Photoshop - Photography

Cloudy Day and Diffused Light Photography
In outdoor photography, cloud cover diffuses the light of the sun much like a photographer's softbox, producing a soft even light that results...
Views: 560 |
| by Tutorial
Photoshop - Photography

Flash Photography Techniques and Tips
There are many situations where the flash could be used such as: fill-flash situations when the background is brighter than the subject, using the...
Views: 607 |
| by Ben
Photoshop - Photography

Digital and Film Photography Pros and Cons
Great strides have been made in digital technology over the past few years, but more sophisticated digital cameras have only recently come down in...
Views: 572 |
| by Mathew
Photoshop - Photography

Digital Camera Histogram Working Tips
At its simplest, a histogram is a graphical representation (such as a bar graph) of digital data (brightness values) in a given image. Histograms...
Views: 624 |
| by Jason
Photoshop - Photography

Sleek Button
Learn to produce a high quality sleek button which can be used for a variety of things.
Views: 671 |
| by Troy
Photoshop - Buttons

Automatically Saving Drafts Using Periodically_Call_Remote
If you write for a large article-driven web site, you will invariably accidentally lose a whole post. You then have a two basic options: you can...
Views: 1570 |
| by Troy
Ruby on Rails - Database Related

Deploying Ruby On Rails
This article is an introduction to the installation and deployment of Ruby on Rails.
Views: 1571 |
| by Source
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Low Cost, Load Balanced LAMP Cluster
How to install and configure Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP/Perl/Python (LAMP) combination.
Views: 944 |
| by Sean
Linux - Installation

Running Multiple MySQL Versions
How to run multiple versions of MySQL on the same Server.
Views: 943 |
| by David
MySQL - Miscellaneous

Get rid of Warning: division by zero on line
Prevent a common php warning with this tutorial without change the php.ini file
Views: 525 |
| by Colin
PHP - Miscellaneous

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