
UHits - PHP proxy hits generator
This little tutorial to create fake hits generator using PHP. This scripts uses free proxies to generate hits to specified website. I call this...
Views: 805 |
| by John
PHP - Miscellaneous

High resolution image printing
Your client looks up and says, 'Why does our logo look funny when we print the pages?' Do you sigh dramatically, or learn about Ross...
Views: 938 |
| by Simon

ASP SPLIT, REPLACE and JOIN String Functions
We will write the same script using SPLIT, REPLACE and JOIN to demonstrate all 3 functions and how they often are used for similar tasks.
Views: 600 |
| by Jason
ASP - Miscellaneous

Distort Filters
Today we are going to be working with the Photoshop filters that provide distortion to photos and images. You will be amazed at what you can do...
Views: 374 |
| by Daniel
Photoshop - Basics

Disco Light
Creating a colorful disco light.
Views: 347 |
| by Brad
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Complex custom shape
Creating a complex custom shape using basic shapes.
Views: 294 |
| by Troy
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Dark Tower Effect
Learn how to create a dark abstract effect with interesting effects and depth.
Views: 344 |
| by Sarah
Photoshop - Effects

Create Satellite Images from raw NASA Satellite Data
This tutorial explains how you can obtain raw NASA satellite imagery and convert it into true color, large images.
Views: 444 |
| by Adam
Photoshop - Textures and Patterns

Car WaterColour Rendering
Technique for producing sketch renderings using watercolour paints.
Views: 350 |
| by Nick
Photoshop - Drawing

Make a Face!
Make a Face using 3ds max!
Views: 584 |
| by Nick
3DS MAX - Modeling

Modeling with NURBS on 3D Studio Max
Learn how to model with NURBS in 3D Studio Max.
Views: 656 |
| by Sarah
3DS MAX - Modeling

Retouching on a separate layer
Learn how to retouch on a separate layer!
Views: 407 |
| by Troy
Photoshop - Photo Retouch

Making and Animating a Robot
Learn how to making and Animating a Robot using as.
Views: 663 |
| by Adam
Flash - Animation

Building a Dynamic Photo Gallery
This tutorial walks you through the process of building a dynamic photo gallery that allows you to load both thumbnails and full images at runtime...
Views: 382 |
| by Isac
Flash - Actionscripting

Morphing with Shape Tweens
Learn how to morph with Shape Tweens using macromedia flash.
Views: 543 |
| by Ben
Flash - Animation

Animated Shine
Learn how to add an animated shine to a Mercury Cougar C2 using a gradient and mask technique.
Views: 638 |
| by Jarry
Flash - Animation

Polarizer Filter with Landscape Photography
A polarizing filter is made up of two pieces of glass which when rotated cut out all glare on non-metallic surfaces. Light travels in waves - these...
Views: 574 |
| by John
Photoshop - Photography

Understanding Color Temperature in Photography
A beautiful sunset is very “orangey” and has a Kelvin temperature of about 2500. However, a blue sky has a Kelvin temperature of 10,000. The...
Views: 554 |
| by Marry
Photoshop - Photography

Heart in a Book
This is a tutorial that shows you how to make a heart-shaped shadow inside a book with 3ds Max. Here is an image made with the same technique:...
Views: 796 |
| by Amy
3DS MAX - Basics

Lenses for Portrait Photography
If you want your subjects to be pleased with the results of your work, then make sure you get a lens fit for the job. And that means, one with the...
Views: 604 |
| by Source
Photoshop - Photography

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