
Transferring data across domains using crossdomain.xml
In many occasions you might want a SWF to be able to retrieve data from another domain, by loading variables from a text file for example, or you...
Views: 649 |
| by Jarry
Flash - Tips and Techniques

Redirect a User Based on His Geographic Location
This code uses a web service to determine each user's location and allows you to redirect the user or dynamically create a page based on that...
Views: 894 |
| by Steve
PHP - Redirection

A Jug, orange juice, glasses, ice, glass and mental ray…
A scene like this is not hard to achive since it does not use any specialy advanced options of 3D Studio Max
Views: 682 |
| by Simon
3DS MAX - Modeling

Interfaces in Java
In Java, a class can have at the most one immediate superclass. Multiple inheritance, where a class has more than one superclass, is not allowed in...
Views: 855 |
| by Sarah
Java - General Java

ASP Chat Box
Asp Chat Box s a free and easy to use chat application can be used in a simple website. This version of AspChatBox can read and write only a single...
Views: 923 |
| by Tutorial
ASP - Chat Scripts

maya nurbs modellig a lantern
modelling a lantern with nurbs
Views: 1264 |
| by Ben
Maya - Modeling

MySQL FAQs - Managing User Accounts and Access Privileges
A collection of 17 FAQs on MySQL user accounts and access privileges. Clear answers are provided with tutorial exercises on creating and deleting...
Views: 894 |
| by Simon
MySQL - Miscellaneous

Find out mouse position
In this tutorial I will show you how to get mouse position information. I know this is not very useful now but when you comprehend the structure of...
Views: 353 |
| by Mathew
Flash - Actionscripting

Particle effect
This tutorial will teach you how to create particle effect uisng Action Script.
Views: 690 |
| by Amy
Flash - Special Effects

Edge Glowing
This tutorial will show you how to make glowing edges of the cube. I will take a picture of cube and I will use simple mask effect.
Views: 679 |
| by John
Flash - Special Effects

Gradient by mouse
Learn how to create gradient shape using mouse and Action Script.
Views: 386 |
| by Nick
Flash - Actionscripting

Wood Veneer Texture
Learn how to create a simple fake wood veneer texture that can be used for backgrounds.
Views: 481 |
| by Slicer
Photoshop - Textures and Patterns

Make postal mark
If you ever asked yourself how to make postal mark from your photo here is the answer
Views: 616 |
| by Source
Photoshop - Digital Art

Melting Text Effect
Make your text look like melting wax
Views: 300 |
| by Colin
Photoshop - Text Effects

Taking Better Autumn Photos
Some tips for taking better autumn photos
Views: 446 |
| by Donald
Photoshop - Photography

Web 2.0 Layout Mark 2 - More Gradients
The first Web 2.0 Layout designed by me was primitive at best. With no gradients, annoying colors, and boring design, it left a lot to be desired....
Views: 675 |
| by Mark

Export MySQL to Excel
Export MySQL data records to an Excel file in one file, simple and easily!
Views: 582 |
| by Jarry
PHP - File Manipulation

Creating and RSS feed using RSS Replay
How to create a remote RSS feed using the RNS RSS Replay extension. This is tutorial applies to an ASP defined site.
Views: 900 |
| by Ben
Dreamweaver - Extensions

Removing Facial Imperfections
Retouching a photograph to remove facial imperfections.
Views: 338 |
| by Colin
Photoshop - Photo Retouch

Touch of Pink
Create an artistic look by adding a pink-to-greyscale gradient to your photo.
Views: 561 |
| by Sarah
Photoshop - Color

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