
Lighting and Shadow Basics - Part 2
Area lights cause specular scattering on objects and blend with its diffuse area, creating a very soft look with beautiful soft shadows.
Views: 677 |
| by Simon
3DS MAX - Lighting

Lighting and Shadow Basics - Part 3
The skylight may have the most effect on the entire atmosphere color if the openings are big or it may be the color of the objects in the room.
Views: 670 |
| by Troy
3DS MAX - Lighting

Model and render a dumbbell, multiple renders compared!
This is a tutorial on modeling a dumbbell adding textures and then comparing renders using 3ds max default scanline, light tracer, final render and...
Views: 758 |
| by Mathew
3DS MAX - Lighting

Max Mental Ray
Tutorial about how to use mental ray in 3ds max
Views: 856 |
| by Mathew
3DS MAX - Lighting

3dsmax Vray Tutorial - Render with Sunlight
This tutorial explains how to set up sunlight and VRay light to light up a building's interior.
Views: 817 |
| by David
3DS MAX - Lighting

3dsmax Vray Rendering Tutorial-Caustic Effects
This tutorial explains how to set up a scene with Vray caustic effects in 3dsmax.
Views: 770 |
| by John
3DS MAX - Lighting

Lighting with mental ray - 3dsmax Tutorial
This tutorial explains all steps to illuminate an object with a technique which simulates the illumination techniques of a photo studio.
Views: 713 |
| by Jarry
3DS MAX - Lighting

Ambient Occlusion / Bake for Max
You can now also create an inexpensive ambient occlusion / bake through the use of 3ds Max's Light Tracer & Render to Texture function. Save...
Views: 679 |
| by Sarah
3DS MAX - Lighting

Scanline render setup
how to make a basic render in default scanline render...
Views: 745 |
| by Mark
3DS MAX - Lighting

3ds MAX Tutorial - Advance Illumination
CGIndia.org bring you yet another quite Useful and Free 3ds Max tutorial for 3d studio Max Users. The tutorials is created by CG Artist and 3ds...
Views: 706 |
| by Sean
3DS MAX - Lighting

Light Caustics in 3D Studio Max
The effect could be archived in 3D Studio Max using Mental Ray as render engine and Mental ray glass material.
Views: 695 |
| by Mathew
3DS MAX - Lighting

Lighting a Close-Up of a Head
In this Tutorial you will learn how to use a variety of lighting methods, how to render still images and animation, and how to use three powerful...
Views: 683 |
| by Marry
3DS MAX - Lighting

Vray daytime Interior Video
You'll learn the placement of lights in the scene and the Vray rendering settings to achieve the result which was my requirement. So sharing...
Views: 713 |
| by Troy
3DS MAX - Lighting

Creating Light Caustics Using Mental Ray in 3D Studio Max
Light caustics are light shapes created on the floor when light passes through certain glass objects such as a drinking glass.
Views: 715 |
| by Troy
3DS MAX - Lighting

A Guide to Neon Lights with VRay - Vray tutorial
This tutorial shows you how to use Vray to render Neon lights in an interior scene.
Views: 757 |
| by John
3DS MAX - Lighting

Basic Techniques for Vray Advanced - Vray tutorial
This tutorial shows you the basic techniques for Vray Advanced.
Views: 707 |
| by Mathew
3DS MAX - Lighting

Making of the Old Shack - Vray Rendering
TOPICS COVERED: 1. Exterior Lighting. 2. General Scene Setup. 3. V-Ray Displacement. 4. Night Scene Lighting Setup.
Views: 687 |
| by Marry
3DS MAX - Lighting

Rendering yellow Ferrari
Car rendering tutorial for 3ds max. Thanks Emre Goren for tutorial.
Views: 703 |
| by David
3DS MAX - Lighting

Semi-Outdoor Lighting
The semi-outdoor lighting uses a similar technique to the interior lighting in my previous tutorial. The semi-outdoor is slightly different in that...
Views: 738 |
| by Jarry
3DS MAX - Lighting

Simple Light Setup in Radiosity
Simple light setup in radiosity. In this tutorial you will know simple calculation to set how much light needed in a scene.
Views: 711 |
| by David
3DS MAX - Lighting

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