
Text Slideshow
Display a random quotation alternated every 5 seconds, in an infinite loop
Views: 983 |
| by Adam
Javascript - Randomizing

Complete affiliates management system
Build your own affiliates management system, add, edit and remove affiliates from the web.
Views: 922 |
| by Sean
PHP - Link Indexing

Creating a monkey with smile
This tutorial will help you in making a jungle monkey face smile using pen tools and photoshop blending options.
Views: 270 |
| by John
Photoshop - Drawing

All about brushes
Some digital painting and coloring techniques using brushes.
Views: 581 |
| by Slicer
Photoshop - Brushes

Using Levels to retouch Photos
a small tutorial of how to use levels to enhance some photos
Views: 335 |
| by Mark
Photoshop - Basics

Shiny glinting rollover effect for movie clips that act as buttons
Learn to easily create movie clips that will replace standard buttons. A frame-by-frame animation will be used to create an eye catching shining...
Views: 656 |
| by Tutorial
Flash - Special Effects

Designing and coding a sleek navigation with rollover effect.
Throughout the tutorial I will design a sleek navigation in photoshop then code it with valid XHTML and CSS. All steps will be explained.
Views: 419 |
| by Marry
Photoshop - Web Layouts

Colourful Star Background
Learn how to create this colourful vector illustration
Views: 226 |
| by Amy
Photoshop - Drawing

Green Glow Portfolio Layout
This tutorial will show you how to create a trendy portfolio layout with a green glow theme.
Views: 410 |
| by Source
Photoshop - Web Layouts

Futuristic Header
Design a unique futuristic style header with a stylish navigation.
Views: 217 |
| by Troy
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Subtract a decade of someone's age
Retouching of someone's face is very often job. You can easily fix some things that are almost impossible in real life.
Views: 0 |
| by Stephen
Photoshop - Photo Retouch

Soccer Ball on Fire
We will learn step by step how to do a soccer ball on fire
Views: 252 |
| by Jarry
Photoshop - Drawing

Learning Ruby
A thorough collection of Ruby study notes for those who are new to the language and in search of a solid introduction to Ruby's concepts and...
Views: 1080 |
| by Troy
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Princess of Shadows
We'll study how to distort the shape, picture the make-up and fur, to create the effect of pictured hair, lay out the designs and also to...
Views: 525 |
| by Simon
Photoshop - Digital Art

Recolor hair roots
In this tutorial we show you how to make a realistic change in hair roots color.
Views: 294 |
| by Mark
Photoshop - Photo Retouch

Futuristic Logo v7
Learn how to create a futuristic looking logo-like design.
Views: 219 |
| by Jason
Photoshop - Drawing

Futuristic Navigation Tabs
Design a unique futuristic style navigation tabs.
Views: 245 |
| by Sarah
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Object follow the mouse on click
Learn how to create that any object, follow the mouse on click using the Action Script.
Views: 341 |
| by Troy
Flash - Actionscripting

Photo Blending - Landscape
Learn how to create panoramic photos! A simple guide to blend seamlessly your pictures.
Views: 332 |
| by Ben
Photoshop - Photo Retouch

Fairy Night
In this tutorial we will learn how to correct the photos colors, change the eyes color, work with the layers, applying ready brushes and designs,...
Views: 443 |
| by Sarah
Photoshop - Digital Art

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