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Flashy 3D Pixel Text

Flashy 3D Pixel Text

Make a flashy warped 3D Pixel Text.

Views: 243 | Rating star | by Sarah
Photoshop - Text Effects

Children Portraits and Family Photography Tips

Children Portraits and Family Photography Tips

But for parents who would want to capture the best moments of their children, professional photography lessons wouldn't be that necessary, all...

Views: 401 | Rating star | by Mark
Photoshop - Photography

War-Game Style Navigation

War-Game Style Navigation

Make some War-Style navigation buttons that would suit a Warcraft III fansite.

Views: 651 | Rating star | by Amy
Photoshop - Buttons

Design Patterns in C# and VB.NET - Gang of Four (GOF)

Design Patterns in C# and VB.NET - Gang of Four (GOF)

Design patterns are recurring solutions to software design problems you find again and again in real-world application development. Patterns are...

Views: 0 | Rating star | by Marry

Santa Claus in a sledge

Santa Claus in a sledge

We will learn how to design nice illustration where Santa Claus drive in a sledge

Views: 232 | Rating star | by Brad
Photoshop - Drawing

Candy Cane

Candy Cane

Learn to create a tasty and festive candy cane just in time for the holidays!

Views: 247 | Rating star | by Isac
Photoshop - Drawing

XSS and when h just ain't enough

XSS and when h just ain't enough

How to guard against cross site scripting in Ruby on Rails.

Views: 0 | Rating star | by Source
Ruby on Rails - Security

HOWTO: Make a Rails Plugin From Scratch

HOWTO: Make a Rails Plugin From Scratch

Learn how to make a Ruby on Rails plugin step by step.

Views: 906 | Rating star | by Nick
Ruby on Rails - Helpers

Refactoring on Rails: Move to Model

Refactoring on Rails: Move to Model

Learn how to refactor by taking logic out of the view and moving it to the controller, cleaning up the view in the process.

Views: 925 | Rating star | by Amy
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Refactoring on Rails: Multiple Scopes in Controller

Refactoring on Rails: Multiple Scopes in Controller

Introduction to a couple of refactoring methods for Ruby on Rails.

Views: 848 | Rating star | by Simon
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Creating Two Models in One Form

Creating Two Models in One Form

Learn how to create a form that can handle two models.

Views: 918 | Rating star | by Mark
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Editing Multiple Models in One Form

Editing Multiple Models in One Form

This tutorial shows you how to edit a project and all of its tasks in one form.

Views: 961 | Rating star | by Simon
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Creating Many Models in One Form

Creating Many Models in One Form

Learn how to create many models in a single form.

Views: 939 | Rating star | by Steve
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Creating a Variable Number of Models in One Form

Creating a Variable Number of Models in One Form

Learn how to add/remove tasks in the same form using JavaScript and RJS.

Views: 904 | Rating star | by Ben
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Test Helper: Clean, Custom Assertion Messages

Test Helper: Clean, Custom Assertion Messages

Creating clean, custom assertion messages in Rails.

Views: 826 | Rating star | by Ben
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Debugging on Rails: Reading Stack Traces

Debugging on Rails: Reading Stack Traces

Learn the basics of reading a stack trace.

Views: 873 | Rating star | by David
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Introduction to Form Helpers

Introduction to Form Helpers

A handy introduction to Ruby on Rails form helpers.

Views: 913 | Rating star | by Troy
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Programming Best Practices

Programming Best Practices

A general tutorial about programming best practices that isn't specific to Rails, but certainly is something all Rails programmers should read.

Views: 898 | Rating star | by Daniel
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Advice to Rails Beginners: Follow Conventions

Advice to Rails Beginners: Follow Conventions

An introduction to Ruby and Rails conventions that all Rails beginners should learn to follow.

Views: 843 | Rating star | by Simon
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Handy RJS Tips

Handy RJS Tips

Some handy under documented RJS tips and tricks.

Views: 926 | Rating star | by Slicer
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started