
Realistic Crack
How to create a realistic crack in a stone texture is what is shown in this tutorial.
Views: 221 |
| by Slicer
Photoshop - Effects

JT-Java Trainer
Java Trainer (JT) is for students who intend to learn Java , C#(or C++ for that matter). It is a simple programming system in a web page (no...
Views: 705 |
| by Isac
Java - General Java

Create a Rounded Layout
This tutorial will guide you through the steps to create a rounded layout with a high-tech header
Views: 404 |
| by Nick
Photoshop - Web Layouts

Advanced zoom process
Learn how to zoom any picture, object... in flash using the button and Action Script.
Views: 327 |
| by Simon
Flash - Actionscripting

Repair Old Photos
Perhaps one of the most useful uses for photoshop has got to be repairing all those old photos that are slowly rotting up there in your attic. You...
Views: 310 |
| by David
Photoshop - Photo Retouch

Making promotional graphics
A well designed promotional graphic can be a great way to drive traffic through your site. Here's one way to do it.
Views: 245 |
| by Steve
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Chained Navigation Tabs
Design a set of chained navigation tab for your webdesigns.
Views: 229 |
| by Isac
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Easy Light Rays
Make your text look like its has a light source behind it.
Views: 313 |
| by David
Photoshop - Text Effects

Electric Arcs
Add electrical arcs to your text.
Views: 254 |
| by Troy
Photoshop - Text Effects

Easy 3D Shadows
Make more interesting text by adding some depth to your shadows.
Views: 272 |
| by Isac
Photoshop - Text Effects

Santa bringing gifts
This tutorial will show how to create a cool looking Santa and gifts decoration
Views: 209 |
| by David
Photoshop - Drawing

CSS Trends: Vertical Gradient Boxes
This tutorials details how to use some basic CSS functions to give you soft and stunning results for your next website using a vertical gradient in...
Views: 713 |
| by Tutorial

Professional Insider Photography Tips
Learn how professional photographers create stunning images, and the tips and techniques that they follow to create beautiful compositions and...
Views: 390 |
| by David
Photoshop - Photography

Change the object size
Use this tutorial to see how to change the object size in flash, using the Action Script.
Views: 346 |
| by Ben
Flash - Actionscripting

Futuristic Logo v10
Learn how to create a futuristic looking logo-like design.
Views: 251 |
| by Sarah
Photoshop - Drawing

Making a Basic Artificial Intelligence system - Part 1
Learn how to make a very easy AI system.
Views: 365 |
| by Troy
Flash - Actionscripting

Making a Basic Artificial Intelligence system - Part 2
Learn how to make an AI system in Part 2 of 2 in this tutorial.
Views: 348 |
| by Amy
Flash - Actionscripting

Monitoring Your Network,Servers and Clients With High Performance Zabbix
ZABBIX is a 24×7 monitoring solution without high cost.ZABBIX is software that monitors numerous parameters of a network and the health and...
Views: 1000 |
| by Stephen
Linux - System Monitoring

Monitor Servers and Clients using Munin in Ubuntu
“Munin” means “memory”.Munin the tool surveys all your computers and remembers what it saw. It presents all the information in in graphs...
Views: 1040 |
| by Stephen
Linux - System Monitoring

Torn Photo Effect
Make one of your photos look like if you had torn a part of it.
Views: 191 |
| by John
Photoshop - Photo Effects

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