
Create Tileable Textures
Focuses on tileable texturing /skinning for seamless results using Photoshop. Tutorial written by doylle for Game-Artist.Net
Views: 411 |
| by Stephen
Photoshop - Textures and Patterns

Making of a Cement Cover
Focuses on realistic normal mapping, diffuse mapping and specular mapping for game presentation using Photoshop 3ds max. Tutorial written by Chris...
Views: 454 |
| by Daniel
3DS MAX - Modeling

Company Layout
Make a solid color company layout for your site
Views: 389 |
| by Daniel
Photoshop - Web Layouts

Making a Maze
Learn how to make a cool maze with this easy to follow tutorial.
Views: 410 |
| by Marry
Flash - Actionscripting

Ryu Signature
A great tutorial on how to make a Ryu signature.
Views: 276 |
| by Adam
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Demon Rabit Signature
A great tutorial on how to make a Demon Rabbit signature.
Views: 229 |
| by Sarah
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Pieced Together Signature
A great tutorial on how to make a 'Pieced Together' signature.
Views: 228 |
| by Jarry
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Lady Liberty Signature
A great tutorial on how to create a lady liberty like signature.
Views: 247 |
| by Sarah
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Dare Devil Signature
A great tutorial on how to create a Dare Devil signature.
Views: 242 |
| by Isac
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Paradise Signature
A great 'paradise' signature tutorial.
Views: 284 |
| by John
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Sprite Signature
A great signature tutorial that is based around a sprite image.
Views: 223 |
| by Colin
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Image / Text Reflection
A great signature tutorial that teaches you how to add a reflection effect.
Views: 229 |
| by Simon
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Glossy Button Navigation Menu
In this tutorial, I'll walk you through creating a glossy looking menu then using photoshop to generate the HTML code for the menu.
Views: 226 |
| by Source
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Database Abstraction with ADODB
The use of abstraction layers is a controversial topic among the PHP community. This article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using...
Views: 640 |
| by Marry
PHP - Database Related

Credit Card Design
Design a Credit Card with Adobe Photoshop
Views: 228 |
| by Amy
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Spiral Text
Learn this simple technique to create a spiral text effect using the text on path feature of photoshop CS
Views: 241 |
| by Mark
Photoshop - Text Effects

Professional Photographer's portfolio
In this tutorial you'll learn how to make a trendy, professional-looking portfolio template
Views: 0 |
| by Ben
Photoshop - Web Layouts

Adding Motion to a Car
Learn how to add motion to a stationary car.
Views: 303 |
| by Sarah
Photoshop - Effects

Create a Car Dealer layout
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a car dealer layout
Views: 383 |
| by Jason
Photoshop - Web Layouts

Green orb
In this lesson, I will explain to you how to create green orb, which fits excellently in your menu or header.
Views: 217 |
| by Source
Photoshop - Web Graphics

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