Caustics are really great light effects that you can observe in liquids, glass objects and gems. We are able to simulate this effect with 3D Studio...
Quick and easy technique for drawing a building with a big area and open atrium's going though each level and draw the railings.
The purpose of this tutorial is to show you how to rotate the wheels on a car so they follow the pace of the car as it move.
Views: 754 |
| by Stephen
Maya - Animation
The aim of this tutorial is to model a pillow in 3dsmax. This model would be created with simple and easy steps.
This tutorial shows the way to create stainless steel material in 3dsmax and the same principles can be applied to any other 3d applications.
In this tutorial, we will make a 3D model building from still images (non-orthographic) with 3dsmax.
A simple way to create standard symmetry for morph targets in 3dsmax.
In this tutorial I will go through my work flow with simple steps to build a scene from preparation phase of the project to the final render.
In this tutorial I will try to cover everything you need to know about occlusion pass in 3 simplified parts.
Examples of True Displacement with Pixar Renderman. But the same principles can be applied to other renders as well.
Views: 1013 |
| by Jason
Maya - Lighting
This tutorial is about the illumination of a room, illuminated by sunlight coming through a window ( ideal for living rooms, kitchens and bedrooms ).
To design a good character animation, an artist must have a good understanding of the composition of the work, and a strong ability to perceive.
Views: 671 |
| by David
Maya - Modeling
In this great Adobe Photoshop tutorial you will see the basics of making custom brush presets, to make glowing stars effects.
UV layout techniques to solve UV distortion problems caused by polygon smoothing in Maya.
This tutorial will go through the steps to create a photorealistic model of a nut. It requires that you have some basic modeling skills.
Views: 709 |
| by Nick
Maya - Modeling
Before you start a new 3d animation project. Good plan of project management will save you a lot of time. This article provides some good tips of...
This tutorial is not about making your model from scratch, its about taking your creature (dragon, serpent, orc, demon etc.) and giving it...
his tutorial teaches you how to make an abstract design
This tutorial has photoshop tricks to draw any text and give it melted or dripping paint look.
Learn how to create this simple yet stylish xbox360 navigation/logo.