
Polaroid Effect
Take your photo and make it appear as if it were a Polaroid.
Views: 1618 |
| by Slicer
Gimp - Photo Effects

Making of
Use 3dsmax to create a scene features snow, sunrise and other elements.
Views: 490 |
| by Stephen
3DS MAX - Modeling

Simulating Real Time Soft Body on a Deforming Character
Simulating real-time soft body on a deforming character in 3dsmax.
Views: 442 |
| by Stephen
3DS MAX - Modeling

Level's eyedroppers
In this tutorial, in a short while, we will learn hot to to set the black and the white point, by using the eyedroppers contained in the Levels...
Views: 0 |
| by Simon
Photoshop - Photography

Wind Filter Effect in Photoshop
This is a great effect using the color table and the wind filter. Take text or any object and apply a stunning effect that looks very professional.
Views: 265 |
| by Source
Photoshop - Effects

Learn to make satin nickel brushed metal surface
My photoshop instructions to create brushed metal surface or texture.
Views: 451 |
| by John
Photoshop - Textures and Patterns

Sun Tutorial
Make a realistic, and detailed sun with this tutorial.
Views: 261 |
| by Jarry
Photoshop - Effects

Super Nova Tutorial
Make a realistic exploding star with this tutorial.
Views: 230 |
| by Stephen
Photoshop - Effects

Learn to engrave or etch a surface
My photoshop instructions on how to engrave using photoshop
Views: 446 |
| by Donald
Photoshop - Textures and Patterns

Simple Blue Text Effect In Photoshop
In this tutorial I will show you how you are able to make this nice glossy blue text effect in Adobe Photoshop.
Views: 210 |
| by Source
Photoshop - Text Effects

Simple mouse down button in Flash
In this Macromedia Flash tutorial you will see how to make a simple button down with a button down change effect.
Views: 455 |
| by Steve
Flash - Getting Started

101 Hidden Tips & Secrets For Photoshop
Learn the most common keyboard shortcuts used in photoshop design.
Views: 270 |
| by Ben
Photoshop - Basics

Web 2.0 Color Palette for Photoshop Design
Three distinct color groups are affiliated with Web 2.0 - neutrals, muted tones and bold colors. You can easily bring together your own color...
Views: 234 |
| by Sarah
Photoshop - Basics

Awsome Flaming Text! Video Tutorial.
Awesome Flaming text tutorial, add realistic flames to your text, best of all its Easy!! Unlike other tutorials out there this one is easy enough...
Views: 200 |
| by Marry
Photoshop - Text Effects

Migrate from Outlook Express to Windows Mail
This tutorial shows you how to manually migrate all your e-mail accounts, messages and your address book from Outlook Express to Windows Mail.
Views: 866 |
| by Mark
Windows - Tips

Fire in Photoshop - seamless animated loop
I needed, at some point, a 'fire animation' that would be: 1. looping seamlessly 2. horizontally tile-able I googled and I googled, in...
Views: 485 |
| by Isac
Photoshop - Animation

Escape HTML Characters
In this how to you're gonna learn how you can escape HTML characters, nice and easy using PHP. This is useful for example to prevent users...
Views: 574 |
| by John
PHP - Development

Bookmark Us Script
This is a tutorial that shows you how you can easily create a Bookmark Us link on your website. This will bring back old customers to you by...
Views: 955 |
| by Colin
Javascript - Links and Buttons

Watermark on uploaded image
This tutorial shows how you can automate the process of adding watermarks on images from your site right when they are uploaded.
Views: 552 |
| by Stephen
PHP - Image Manipulation

Building an Aerial Bomb in 3ds max
This tutorial will teach you a simple technique of building a fairly realistic bomb in a matter of less than 30 minutes to two hours depending on...
Views: 482 |
| by Jarry
3DS MAX - Modeling

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