
Data Recovery
Learn how you can recover your lost data with these simple tips
Views: 827 |
| by Jarry
Windows - Tips

Mail Form with PHP and HTML
Learn how to create a MAIL FORM using PHP and HTML.
Views: 593 |
| by David
PHP - Form Processing

Photoshop Filter Gallery: Quick Reference
Filter Gallery (available since PhotoshopCS) is collection of 47 filters. With this quick reference you can quickly review each filter effect.
Views: 266 |
| by Simon
Photoshop - Effects

Condensed wallpaper
In this tutorial, I will show you how easy it is to create photo-realistic image of waterdrops with only Adobe Photoshop and a mouse.
Views: 246 |
| by Donald
Photoshop - Effects

Designing a cutting edge content box with diamond glitter on corners
A cool content box with diamond glitter on corners
Views: 195 |
| by John
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Build an MP3 Music Player Alarm Clock
Learn to build an MP3 Music Player Alarm Clock using Visual Basic 6.
Views: 964 |
| by Amy
Visual Basic - Multimedia

Difference Between Image 'Resizing' and 'Resampling' In Photoshop
A lot of people use the term 'image resizing' whether they're 'resizing' or 'resampling' an image in Photoshop...
Views: 0 |
| by Adam
Photoshop - Photography

Bar Chart with GD Library
Create a dynamic bar chart with PHP and GD Library.
Views: 569 |
| by Mark
PHP - Image Manipulation

Designing flash preloader
Learn how to create designing flash preloader using the action script.
Views: 388 |
| by Mathew
Flash - Actionscripting

Basic Color correction and Optimization
Tutorial goes over basic color correction and optimization of an image as well as proper digital workflow processes. This is how to optimize an...
Views: 621 |
| by Ben
Photoshop - Color

Magic Big E Trick
Great key combination tutorial that is very rare. Be one of the few that know it and see your photoshop work advance!
Views: 615 |
| by Simon
Photoshop - Automation

Enterprise log management - a comparison of 3 big logging systems (Snare vs. Splunk vs. LogLogic)
No doubt that if you are working with large and medium sized servers and infrastructures, you have come across the need to collect logs and review...
Views: 1000 |
| by Adam
Linux - System Monitoring

IPTABLES explained: Part 3 (Creating a complex IPTables script easily)
SCENARIO: A friend of mine had a problem, he has a home network similar to mine and a Wireless Access Point (AP) that he wanted to use since...
Views: 918 |
| by Sarah
Linux - Security

IPTables Explained : Part 1 (a tutorial to UNDERSTANDING and CREATING your own rules)
This is a beginners' guide. Things are explained very simply here but it WILL give you a good understanding what iptables is and how to begin...
Views: 926 |
| by Jason
Linux - Security

Building a cheap secure wireless (WLAN) infrastructure with OpenVPN and Linux (an advanced tutorial
Having 'wireless LAN' access (WLAN) in your office is nowadays almost a given. The challenge comes though on how to secure your WLAN and...
Views: 1014 |
| by David
Linux - Networking

Folder icon
Create a snazzy folder icon with this Photoshop tutorial.
Views: 226 |
| by Simon
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Document icon
Create a nice looking document icon with this technique.
Views: 184 |
| by Amy
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Professionaly looking animated progress bar
In this tutorial we will learn how to create professionally looking animated progress bar.
Views: 442 |
| by Donald
Photoshop - Animation

Create Polaroid effect of your Photo
How to create a Polaroid effect using Photoshop
Views: 180 |
| by Jarry
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Media Icon
In this Photoshop tutorial I'll teach you how to make a media icon
Views: 479 |
| by Isac
Photoshop - Buttons

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