
Three ways to embed Flv (YouTube/ MySpace) video into PowerPoint
Flv is one the popular file formats of video but PowerPoint can not recognize it. That means we can not insert flv video to PowerPoint directly. We...
Views: 878 |
| by Isac
MS PowerPoint - Content and Formatting

How to make a shiny glowy gel website navigation button using adobe photoshop
Latest photoshop tutorial techniques for web designers to learn new how to make glowy shining gel like navigation in your website design
Views: 239 |
| by Ben
Photoshop - Web Graphics

snow text
learn to apply snow effect to your text :)
Views: 309 |
| by Ben
Photoshop - Text Effects

How to make a crumbled old twisted paper sheet in photoshop
Great photoshop tutorial for web designers to learn new techniques and make old crumbled paper
Views: 360 |
| by Simon
Photoshop - Basics

XP Style Shield
Easy tutorial for how to make XP looking Shield
Views: 224 |
| by Jarry
Photoshop - Drawing

Professional Modern Web Layout
This tutorial will show you how to create a modern web portfolio layout
Views: 372 |
| by Jarry
Photoshop - Web Layouts

Vista Sidebar Tutorials
This very useful tutorial will show you how to create a vista sidebar
Views: 251 |
| by Sarah
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Using AJAX in your ASP.NET web applications
A simple demonstration of how to use the ASP.NET AJAX framework in your ASP.NET web pages. What we want to achieve here is some sort of interaction...
Views: 682 |
| by Stephen

How to Add Users in Windows XP
This is another addition to our Windows Basics section. In this tutorial you will learn how to add users to Windows XP. Adding users is a great way...
Views: 854 |
| by Nick
Windows - Tips

Medusa wallpaper
In this tutorial I will show you how I made the Medusa wallpaper.
Views: 209 |
| by Mathew
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Design Front Page Website
An idea of designing a full front page website. This tutorials show you a simple technique using adobe photoshop.
Views: 348 |
| by Mathew
Photoshop - Web Layouts

Glossy Circle
We’ll learn how to make a glossy effect on circle. This technique can be apply on any purpose of designing.
Views: 315 |
| by Mark
Photoshop - Effects

Basic Dreamweaver Tutorial
In this tutorial, I`ll show you how to create a HTML file using Macromedia Dreamweaver. This is a very basic tutorial that can be use by every newbie.
Views: 970 |
| by Amy
Dreamweaver - HTML Editing

Connecting to FTP Server
This tutorial will show you how to make a connection to your FTP Server. Follow every single step shown below.
Views: 968 |
| by Simon
Dreamweaver - Site Management

Rollover Image Button
In this tutorial, we will learn how to make a rollover button for your website by using a Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.
Views: 938 |
| by Ben
Dreamweaver - Inserting Media

Security Threat and Data Protection Tips
A threat causes loss of data and attacks the data privacy. Most of the data of an organization stored inside the computer in very important and...
Views: 877 |
| by Amy
Windows - Administration

Simulate An Infrared Photo Effect In Photoshop
Infrared photography captures light our eyes can't see and uses it to create mysterious, otherworldly images. It's a unique effect, and...
Views: 265 |
| by David
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Output Buffers with PHP
Learn how to use output buffering in PHP. Great example and explanation what it is and how to use it.
Views: 540 |
| by Brad
PHP - Miscellaneous

Creating a static site in Dreamweaver
One of the most important things to do in Dreamweaver is define your site properties. The whole site depends on it.
Views: 972 |
| by Mathew
Dreamweaver - Site Management

Nightsky scene
Learn step by step, how to create a basic nightsky scene using Photoshop.
Views: 240 |
| by Slicer
Photoshop - Drawing

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