
Simple Photography and Dominant Subjects
Learn how to create a well-balanced photo by keeping the composition relatively simple compared to the intended dominant subject.
Views: 380 |
| by Steve
Photoshop - Photography

Design a Parental Advisory Label
You know that infamous label on many CD’s out there? Here is your chance to create one from the ground up and add a few nice final touches to it.
Views: 256 |
| by Sarah
Photoshop - Drawing

How to load levels in a Flash tile based game
Introducing XML to load levels in a Flash tile based game
Views: 601 |
| by Colin
Flash - Games

Spotlight: Crip Walk
“It (the cripwalk) is part of the Crip culture,” says Tacoma based Locsta ... Doing the Cripwalk is Crip culture. It’s held in high esteem with...
Views: 971 |
| by Sean
Web Hosting - Website Administration

Disabilityblog.info: Marmiteboy On Toast: Crip Culture.
A disability news and resource directory Disabilityblog.info Health article submissions I am always looking for articles to post here.
Views: 879 |
| by Sean
Web Hosting - Website Administration

Computer Networking – Network + Certification by TeachMeIT
TeachMeIT offers excellent opportunity for learners to prepare for network + certification exam. Our courses covers regarding networking, computer...
Views: 430 |
| by Ben
Linux - Networking

Changing the color skin
With The GIMP, in few steps, change the color skin of one specific zone of your pics.
Views: 1678 |
| by Jason
Gimp - Photo Effects

stylish text effect
learn to apply stylish effect which can found in various logos with this tutorial :)
Views: 274 |
| by Sean
Photoshop - Text Effects

Remove Orkut virus (w32.USBworm)
In this step by step tutorial you will learn on how to free your computer from this worms infection. Also you will learn the basics of how to trace...
Views: 691 |
| by Colin
Windows - Administration

MySQL FAQs - Command-Line End User Interface mysql
A collection of 10 FAQs on MySQL command-line interface mysql. Clear answers are provided with tutorial exercises on mysql command option; running...
Views: 899 |
| by Sean
MySQL - Miscellaneous

Modern Online Pharmacy Web Layout
This tutorial will show you how to create a modern web layout for online pharmacy
Views: 429 |
| by Colin
Photoshop - Web Layouts

An Introduction to Perl Regular Expressions
This article covers the very first steps in understanding the concept of regular expressions and their use in Perl.
Views: 1114 |
| by Troy
Perl and CGI - Programming in Perl

The Perl Regular Expression Tutor
The interactive tutor allows you to enter your own input and regular expressions and will show you what matches and what not.
Views: 1086 |
| by Adam
Perl and CGI - Programming in Perl

Perl File Handling: open, read, write and close files
Learn how to operate on files using Perl. Techniques are described for opening, reading, writing and closing both text and binary files.
Views: 931 |
| by Stephen
Perl and CGI - Programming in Perl

Create A Simple Pop Art Style Effect
Learn how to use Photoshop to turn a photo into a simple pop art effect from the 50s and 60s using nothing more than a basic selection tool, an...
Views: 308 |
| by Colin
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Creating a film slide Video Tutorial
In this tutorial I will show you how to create a nice film slide in photoshop using some basic techniques
Views: 282 |
| by Tutorial
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Creating stylish Gradient Buttons
Learn how to create some very cool web 2.0 style buttons using Photoshop blending options and a few little tricks.
Views: 533 |
| by Jason
Photoshop - Buttons

Realistic Animated Eyes in Flash
Learn how to create realistic animated eyes that blink, wink and following the mouse pointer using Flash.
Views: 558 |
| by Tutorial
Flash - Interactivity

Gradient Mapping in Adobe Photoshop
How to transform a standard photograph for use with a specific colour scheme or brand image.
Views: 274 |
| by Donald
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Improve your text with Gradient Effects
Some simple Photoshop techniques for giving your text and little oooomph! Includes gradient overlay and how add reflections.
Views: 307 |
| by Daniel
Photoshop - Text Effects

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