
A Complete Guide for Ruby on Rails
This tutorial will teach you Ruby on Rails step by step.
Views: 872 |
| by Jarry
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Modeling a marker pen
Today we will use our modeling skills to create an accurate marker pen.
Views: 497 |
| by Mark
3DS MAX - Modeling

Create Flash Slideshow with Slide Thumbnails
In addition to basic PowerPoint to Flash conversion ability, PPT2Flash Standard 4 offers new player templates with info bar and slide thumbnails to...
Views: 967 |
| by Slicer
MS PowerPoint - Effects and Presentation

Build an LDAP-based Address Book
It can be a headache. Import and export schemes, if they exist at all, are often too clunky and unsatisfactory to use even once, much less on a...
Views: 997 |
| by Isac
Linux - System Monitoring

Blue Metal Menu
Start out your next design with this easy to follow menu tutorial.
Views: 542 |
| by Source
Photoshop - Buttons

Photo/image Window
Make a nifty interface to hold your images or photos.
Views: 198 |
| by Adam
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Access DB2 for Linux with Python
Python is a great tool to use with DB2 Version 8. It combines the ability to quickly and simply access a DB2 database with the power to perform...
Views: 964 |
| by Donald
Linux - Miscellaneous

How to modify expire date of a cookie
To create cookies in ASP is so easy. After creating cookies, you will store it in client's visitors. While creating cookies, you must notice...
Views: 877 |
| by Marry
ASP - Cookies and Sessions

Free Photoshop tutorial trick How to draw or create a vortex spin or swirly vortex photoshop effect
Great photoshop tutorial for web designers to learn new techniques and design vortex effect or swirly photoshop votex. Spin vortex unique photoshop...
Views: 315 |
| by Marry
Photoshop - Basics

Add rain to a photography
Let it rain ! Here we will create a simple rain effect that you can apply to any image or photo
Views: 442 |
| by Marry
Photoshop - Textures and Patterns

Aquarelle painting effect
Make an aquarelle painting from any image or photography
Views: 226 |
| by Marry
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Arrays within a class - C++
1. Stream Classes - used to define various stream to deal with both console and disk files. 2. Stream classes are console operations are declared...
Views: 749 |
| by Marry
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp

Detecting End-of-file - C++
Detection of End-of-file condition is necessary for preventing any further attempt to read data from the file.
Views: 970 |
| by Daniel
C and Cpp - File Manipulation

The for loop - C++
The general format of the for loop is shown in the figure, expl is an assignment expression that is used for initializing a loop index.
Views: 664 |
| by Daniel
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp

Pointers to objects - C++
A pointer can point to an object of a class. Consider a class emp, which is defined as shown.
Views: 673 |
| by Amy
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp

Function overloading - C++
In function overloading, the function is said to be overloaded when same name is given to different functions.
Views: 729 |
| by Jason
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp

Virtual base classes - C++
Consider a situation, where all the three kinds of inheritance namely multiple, multilevel and hybrid inheritance are involved as shown in the figure.
Views: 771 |
| by Troy
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp

Conversions - C++
The table depicts the usage ofeitherthe casting operator or constructor function depending upon the conversion required.
Views: 677 |
| by Mark
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp

Functions in C++
A function is a self-contained block of statements that performs a coherent task whenever it is called.
Views: 669 |
| by Troy
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp

Stream class hierarchy - C++
The figure shows the hierarchy of the classes used for input and output operations with console and file, ios stream is the base class for istream...
Views: 675 |
| by Stephen
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp

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