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In this tutorial you will learn the basics of how to create a nice lightning effect. Once you know the basics, you can easily experiment to create...

Views: 1025 | Rating star | by Sean
Gimp - Photo Effects

 Making Tank Threads using a script... and a bit more

Making Tank Threads using a script... and a bit more

Ever wondered how to make tank treads? There’s no easy way. But there is help.

Views: 808 | Rating star | by Sarah
Maya - Scripting

A Guide to 2-Sided Material-Vray Tutorial

A Guide to 2-Sided Material-Vray Tutorial

This tutorial shows you how to use 2-sided material in 3dsmax 8 with VRay to achieve light passing through translucency material like paper.

Views: 830 | Rating star | by Steve
3DS MAX - Materials

Vray daytime Interior Video

Vray daytime Interior Video

You'll learn the placement of lights in the scene and the Vray rendering settings to achieve the result which was my requirement. So sharing...

Views: 705 | Rating star | by Troy
3DS MAX - Lighting

Create Silky Smooth Waterfalls In Photoshop

Create Silky Smooth Waterfalls In Photoshop

Learn how to give waterfalls a silky smooth appearance without the need for any fancy photo filters or longer exposures.

Views: 214 | Rating star | by Troy
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Planet Earth Cube (Reshaping objects!)

Planet Earth Cube (Reshaping objects!)

This tutorial will teach you how to reshape literally any object in a simple way. In this example we will take picture of the Planet Earth (round),...

Views: 404 | Rating star | by Marry
Photoshop - Digital Art

Recycled Da Vinci (Hiding picture within a picture)

Recycled Da Vinci (Hiding picture within a picture)

Very practical and easy trick! Lear how to hide one picture within other!

Views: 212 | Rating star | by Ben
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Worhol-like images (Pop art in Photoshop)

Worhol-like images (Pop art in Photoshop)

Create Worhol-like pop-art in easy way! Check out the art you can do with photoshop in no time!

Views: 218 | Rating star | by Stephen
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Frozen Text (Ice Effect)

Frozen Text (Ice Effect)

This tutorial will show you how to make cool ice/frozen effect on your picture or text!

Views: 278 | Rating star | by Daniel
Photoshop - Effects

Text Picture (Create picture out of text)

Text Picture (Create picture out of text)

You have all probably sometime seen picture that is entirely made of text. Here's how to do it...

Views: 445 | Rating star | by Daniel
Photoshop - Digital Art

Make a resizable Grid that MovieClips can snap to

Make a resizable Grid that MovieClips can snap to

In this tutorial you will learn how to make movie clips snap to a grid through actionscript using some basic math.

Views: 405 | Rating star | by Brad
Flash - Actionscripting

The Ocean’s Freshness Photo Effects

The Ocean’s Freshness Photo Effects

In this tutorial we will teach how to create fruits wallpaper

Views: 113 | Rating star | by Adam
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Adobe cs2 photo shop studio technique Create vortex or eddy photoshop tutorial

Adobe cs2 photo shop studio technique Create vortex or eddy photoshop tutorial

In this computer cs2 dummy photo shop tech tutorial learn how to make or design vortex effect using photoshop tricks. Use photoshop techniques to...

Views: 261 | Rating star | by Amy
Photoshop - Effects

Python Tutorial for beginners

Python Tutorial for beginners

An introduction to python, made in python for beginner/nonprogrammers. So please visit this site if you are a complete beginner, it will definitley...

Views: 1018 | Rating star | by Jarry
Python - Introduction to Python

Visitor counter

Visitor counter

This tutorial shows you how to count the number of visitors on your site using php.

Views: 916 | Rating star | by Jason
PHP - Counters

Adobe cs2 photo shop studio technique Create digital icicle ice frozen matter or ice spikes tutorial

Adobe cs2 photo shop studio technique Create digital icicle ice frozen matter or ice spikes tutorial

In this computer cs2 dummy photo shop tech tutorial learn how to make ice or frozen matter spikes – photoshop trick. Use photoshop techniques...

Views: 275 | Rating star | by Donald
Photoshop - Effects

Adobe cs2 photo shop studio technique Create Electric spiral vortex or eddy photoshop tutorial

Adobe cs2 photo shop studio technique Create Electric spiral vortex or eddy photoshop tutorial

In this computer cs2 dummy photo shop tech tutorial learn how to make or design Electric Spiral or whirlpool vortex effect using photoshop tricks....

Views: 300 | Rating star | by Isac
Photoshop - Effects

Adobe cs2 photo shop studio technique Create 3d pearly or plastic beads button or quantum dots

Adobe cs2 photo shop studio technique Create 3d pearly or plastic beads button or quantum dots

In this computer cs2 dummy photo shop tech tutorial learn how to make or design floating dots or spheres. Use photoshop techniques to create pearl...

Views: 191 | Rating star | by Jarry
Photoshop - Web Graphics

mia_roundCorners mental ray node - new in maya 8.5

mia_roundCorners mental ray node - new in maya 8.5

in this tutorial i'll show you in depth how to use the mia_roundCorners node newly introduced into maya 8.5 to create smooth edges (for high...

Views: 1118 | Rating star | by Mathew
Maya - Tips and Techniques

Rational Systems Developer V7.0

Rational Systems Developer V7.0

IBM Rational Systems Developer is a design and development tool that takes advantage of the full power of Eclipse and includes plug-ins that enable...

Views: 889 | Rating star | by Stephen
Linux - Linux and other OSs