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Pivot Data {Tutorial for beginners}

Pivot Data {Tutorial for beginners}

With the Pivot data you can see the same information in different layouts with a few clicks.....

Views: 683 | Rating star | by Donald
MS Excel - Functions

Adobe skill tutorial learn how to draw or design cherries and leafs using photoshop tricks.

Adobe skill tutorial learn how to draw or design cherries and leafs using photoshop tricks.

Great photoshop tutorial for web designers to learn new techniques and design cherry , leaves and berries.

Views: 231 | Rating star | by Mathew
Photoshop - Drawing

Working with data {Tutorial for beginners}

Working with data {Tutorial for beginners}

In this tutorial, you will apply connect with another data source to obtain data.....

Views: 583 | Rating star | by Adam
MS Excel - Basics

Working with Formulas {Tutorial for beginners}

Working with Formulas {Tutorial for beginners}

Excel is an effective tool to work with numbers and to do mathematical operations. Sometimes, for do these operations are necessary to insert...

Views: 656 | Rating star | by Jason
MS Excel - Functions

How to draw a glossy or polished 3d star – Free photoshop tutorial

How to draw a glossy or polished 3d star – Free photoshop tutorial

Great photoshop tutorial for web designers to learn new techniques and design. Learn to create a glossy star or polished 3d star shaped object

Views: 188 | Rating star | by Jason
Photoshop - Basics

Create a mystic chaos Voodoo-Pattern

Create a mystic chaos Voodoo-Pattern

This tutorial shows you a simple effect which should look like mystical symbols of witches (Voodoo). I hope you understand it well, because...

Views: 1028 | Rating star | by John
Gimp - Textures and Patterns

Create soft glassy buttons

Create soft glassy buttons

This tutorials shows you how to create a soft and glassy / glossy button.

Views: 1033 | Rating star | by Sarah
Gimp - Web Graphics

Turning people into stone

Turning people into stone

It is a very very hard thing to turn people to stone and make it look real. Not every picture can be used and there is a lot of fine-tuning...

Views: 1019 | Rating star | by David
Gimp - Photo Effects

Generate a cool tech pattern

Generate a cool tech pattern

Someone often needs a cool pattern that can be used for a forum signature, a banner, a wallpaper or something else. This simple technique shows you...

Views: 1040 | Rating star | by Slicer
Gimp - Textures and Patterns

How to generate realistic mass waterdrops on a surface

How to generate realistic mass waterdrops on a surface

Learn how you can make very cool and realistic waterdrops with GIMP.

Views: 983 | Rating star | by Nick
Gimp - Effects

Creating Light Caustics Using Mental Ray in 3D Studio Max

Creating Light Caustics Using Mental Ray in 3D Studio Max

Light caustics are light shapes created on the floor when light passes through certain glass objects such as a drinking glass.

Views: 708 | Rating star | by Troy
3DS MAX - Lighting

Chrom Button + Stroke Text effect

Chrom Button + Stroke Text effect

Create a Chrom Button only with layer styles in Photoshop.

Views: 518 | Rating star | by Troy
Photoshop - Buttons

Creating an Orb

Creating an Orb

This is a simple tutorial with pictures that explains how to create a simple or to use on a website. For beginners to masters of Photoshop.

Views: 194 | Rating star | by John
Photoshop - Web Graphics



In this tutorial you will learn how to randomise variables and frames. This is useful to keep your games from being repetitive among other things.

Views: 443 | Rating star | by John
Flash - Actionscripting

Basic use of Variables

Basic use of Variables

In this tutorial you will learn the basics of variable use. Create and display a variable and learn how to alter the value with butons.

Views: 383 | Rating star | by Daniel
Flash - Actionscripting

Port Monitor Script

Port Monitor Script

This is a rather simple script to demonstrate an application that many server administrators could probably find useful -- an uptime notification...

Views: 936 | Rating star | by Marry
PHP - Networking

Bouncing Text

Bouncing Text

Using this tutorial you will learn how to create this Bouncing text effect using Flash 8.

Views: 723 | Rating star | by John
Flash - Text Effects

Shading A Dark Metal Bar

Shading A Dark Metal Bar

A couple of techniques used to create stunning interfaces by learning how to create cool dark metal bars and caps.

Views: 387 | Rating star | by Brad
Photoshop - Digital Art

Create Images For Your Blog

Create Images For Your Blog

Learn how to create professional looking images for your cleanly designed blog, and stun everyone!

Views: 194 | Rating star | by Adam
Photoshop - Photo Effects

How to Design Web 2.0 Text Edge Reflection

How to Design Web 2.0 Text Edge Reflection

Add bottom reflections to your text or any image to give your graphics the same web 2.0 styles you see on the web.

Views: 238 | Rating star | by Nick
Photoshop - Text Effects