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Creating an Interactive Map in Flash

Creating an Interactive Map in Flash

This tutorial will teach you how to create an interactive map in which a map marker flies over to the city highlighted and shows a small photograph...

Views: 470 | Rating star | by Adam
Flash - Actionscripting

Ocean Water in 3ds max

Ocean Water in 3ds max

This tutorials will show you how to create a realistic water material for use in an ocean scene. I will be using 3D Studio MAX to create this...

Views: 763 | Rating star | by David
3DS MAX - Animation

Useful base classes for Java Game Programming

Useful base classes for Java Game Programming

This article describes the GameApplet, GamePanel and Game classes that I wrote. You will only need to extend Game, while the other classes handle...

Views: 976 | Rating star | by Daniel
Java - Game Programming

Programming Sockets in Python

Programming Sockets in Python

In this tutorial, you first learn a few Python basics and see why Python makes a good network programming language. Then you move on to the basic...

Views: 1033 | Rating star | by Jason
Python - Development

Creating a Five Star Rating Sytem

Creating a Five Star Rating Sytem

A simple tutorial explaining the process of creating a 5 star rating system for use on websites or any other application.

Views: 188 | Rating star | by Daniel
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Crash a browser window

Crash a browser window

Learn how to create a flash button that, when clicked, will crash the current browser window of the user. Great for practical jokes!

Views: 978 | Rating star | by David
Flash - Tricks

Start Windows Programmng (winapi/win32 Api basics)

Start Windows Programmng (winapi/win32 Api basics)

If you read documents one by one carefully and do not skip any part, then it is somehow guarantee that you will be able to program any kind of...

Views: 1323 | Rating star | by Jason
Visual C - Basics

Why UICODE is important before you start program

Why UICODE is important before you start program

When your applciation is enabled to compile with UNICODE as well as NON-UNICODE fucntions, then you have covered good range of Microsoft operating...

Views: 1453 | Rating star | by Marry
Visual C - Basics

Create a Dialog / Window

Create a Dialog / Window

Article demonstrates How to create a Dialog / Window using pure Windows API with plaing C language

Views: 1546 | Rating star | by Simon
Visual C - Basics

Create a Button and track click event

Create a Button and track click event

Article demonstrates Creation of a simple push Button and track its click event in window procedure using pure windows api

Views: 1496 | Rating star | by David
Visual C - Basics

Reading and Writing files in PHP

Reading and Writing files in PHP

PHP follows almost same way of writing and manipulating files as in standard C. That is why it becomes so easy for a developer with C lanaguage...

Views: 584 | Rating star | by Slicer
PHP - File Manipulation

Easy way to Upload files using PHP

Easy way to Upload files using PHP

There is a traditional way of uploading files in php usually developers use, that is, use functions is_uploaded_file() and move_uplaoded_file()....

Views: 570 | Rating star | by Brad
PHP - File Manipulation

Implementing associative arrays in C/C++

Implementing associative arrays in C/C++

This article demonstrates using string/char* indexes in regular C array, e.g. myArray['age']=10; We usually use numaric indexes in...

Views: 744 | Rating star | by Troy
C and Cpp - Programming in C and Cpp

Using vector instead of arrays to prevent most of memory leaks

Using vector instead of arrays to prevent most of memory leaks

Most of beginners define arrays of limited size such as: int array[100]; // array that can accomodate 100 integer values These are ok, but your...

Views: 654 | Rating star | by David
C and Cpp - Programming in C and Cpp

Make a professional looking wallet box

Make a professional looking wallet box

This is a very unique tutorial which can help you make a professional wallet boxes with the help of photoshop(any version)...

Views: 425 | Rating star | by Troy
Photoshop - Digital Art

Complex Geometric 3D Abstract Design in 3DSMax

Complex Geometric 3D Abstract Design in 3DSMax

This tutorial will teach you how to make a complex geometric abstract design in simple and straightforward steps using Autodesk's 3D Studio Max.

Views: 518 | Rating star | by Troy
3DS MAX - Modeling

Top Web Design Mistakes EXPOSED!

Top Web Design Mistakes EXPOSED!

Highlights top common issues, misconceptions and usability oversights. AJAX, Horizontal Scrolling, font sizes, link underlines. JavaScript, pop-ups...

Views: 818 | Rating star | by Amy
Web Design - Basics

5 Top Mistakes Software Developers Make

5 Top Mistakes Software Developers Make

Five mistakes all developers and programmers most commonly make. Inserting programs into startup, having no pause button.

Views: 1019 | Rating star | by David
C and Cpp - Miscellaneous

drawing bowling pins

drawing bowling pins

This tutorial teaches you to draw nice looking bowling pins :)

Views: 260 | Rating star | by Sarah
Photoshop - Drawing

Control sound with buttons

Control sound with buttons

In this tutorial you'll learn how to control sounds with buttons, specifically stopping and starting it.

Views: 611 | Rating star | by Mathew
Flash - Audio