
Skull Tattoo
Learn about the pen tool, pathfinders, and transforming objects while making a basic skull tattoo (with flair!).
Views: 736 |
| by Brad
Illustrator - Drawing

PHP string basics
A detailed description how to use PHP strings and basic string manipulation functions.
Views: 624 |
| by Jarry
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Image flashing text mask effect in Flash
In this Macromedia Flash tutorial I will show you how to make a cool image flashing text mask effect.
Views: 488 |
| by Adam
Flash - Animation

Starburst effect
In this tutorial, we are going to create a unique lightning star burst effect
Views: 233 |
| by Marry
Photoshop - Drawing

Custom dark texture
This photoshop tutorial teach you to make a texture background using just the brush and some blending options with blur effect.
Views: 418 |
| by Daniel
Photoshop - Textures and Patterns

Simplifying real-time Java development
Now that real-time Java virtual machines support scoped memory, defining common patterns for scoped memory usage can improve developer...
Views: 717 |
| by Sean
Java - General Java

Falling Star Text
A tutorial to create a falling Star Text Effect in Flash
Views: 673 |
| by Adam
Flash - Text Effects

A cool effect with the feather tool
In this Adobe Photoshop tutorial I will show you how to use the feather tool to make some awesome effects.
Views: 272 |
| by Slicer
Photoshop - Effects

Executing Signed Binaries in Linux Kernel
This tutorial is the second in a two-part series on locking your Linux machines down to streamline the associated support and administration...
Views: 976 |
| by Steve
Linux - System Monitoring

Linux Exam: Documentation
In this tutorial (the fourth in a series of nine tutorials on exam 102 topics), Ian Shields introduces you to Linux documentation. By the end of...
Views: 650 |
| by Mark
Linux - Administration

Creating Water Droplets
This tutorial shows how to create water droplets and add them to a photograph for that 'after it rains' look.
Views: 207 |
| by Isac
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Aladin Magic Lamp
In todays tutorial we will learn how to box model the magic lamp of Aladin
Views: 497 |
| by Jarry
3DS MAX - Modeling

Create burst of light or blast effect
Latest Free photoshop tutorial Learn how to create blast effect or burst of light.
Views: 285 |
| by Isac
Photoshop - Basics

Grass Tutorial,3DsMax
Hello, I just want to show you the way to make quite nice rondom looking grass. I hope that it will b usefull to you.
Views: 817 |
| by Slicer
3DS MAX - Materials

Learn to modify a photograph edges and make them blurry.
Latest Free photoshop tutorial Learn how to make or design blurry or vague images corner
Views: 190 |
| by Stephen
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Using Ocean ripple technique create Italian Marble text effect
Latest Free photoshop tutorial Learn how to make or design marble stone effect. Design stone effect photoshop – Create mineral sandstone photoshop...
Views: 297 |
| by Jason
Photoshop - Effects

smooth curve
creating parabolic curve by passing points to the as ......
Views: 489 |
| by Source
Flash - Actionscripting

cool beach graphic
This tutorial teaches you how to use the pen tool to create a nice looking palm tree graphic
Views: 303 |
| by Mark
Photoshop - Basics

Swap movieclip
Swap two movieclips can be used for games... in flash
Views: 467 |
| by Mark
Flash - Actionscripting

Rain Effect in Actionscript
Rain effects can be used for graphic works.....and gaming purpose.. using action script is less weight and easy to modify
Views: 466 |
| by Jarry
Flash - Actionscripting

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