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Dynamic Binding - C++

Dynamic Binding - C++

Binding refers to the linking of a function call to the code to be executed in response to the call.

Views: 698 | Rating star | by Colin
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp

The do while statement - C++

The do while statement - C++

Unlike for and while loops, which tests the loop condition atthe top of the loop, the do-while loop checks the condition at the bottom of the loop,...

Views: 637 | Rating star | by Isac
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp

bject Oriented Programming Vs Procedure oriented programming - C++

bject Oriented Programming Vs Procedure oriented programming - C++

The Table gives a comparison of Object Oriented Programming and Procedure Oriented Programming.

Views: 648 | Rating star | by Jason
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp

This pointer - C++

This pointer - C++

C++ uses the keyword this to point to the object, which invokes the member function. For instance, if class emp has a member function called...

Views: 654 | Rating star | by Jason
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp

Exception Handling - C++

Exception Handling - C++

Exception handling allows you to manage run-time errors in an orderly fashion.

Views: 607 | Rating star | by Jason
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp

Stream and file handling - C++

Stream and file handling - C++

The C file system is designed to work with a wide variety of devices, including terminals, disk drives and tape drives.

Views: 656 | Rating star | by John
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp

Defining member functions inside the class definition - C++

Defining member functions inside the class definition - C++

One method of defining a member function is to replace the function declaration by the actual function definition inside the class.

Views: 607 | Rating star | by Simon
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp

Multiple Constructors in a class - C++

Multiple Constructors in a class - C++

It is possible to define more than one constructor function in a class. This is known as constructor overloading.

Views: 635 | Rating star | by Troy
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp

Stream classes for console operations - C++

Stream classes for console operations - C++

Stream classes for console operations Tutorial C++

Views: 621 | Rating star | by Sean
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp

Closing a file - C++

Closing a file - C++

Closing a file disconnects a file from the associated stream. The file may be again connected to the same or different stream later.

Views: 613 | Rating star | by Source
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp

Else .. if ladder - C++

Else .. if ladder - C++

The general format of else if ladder is shown in the figure. The conditions are evaluated from the top to bottom.

Views: 607 | Rating star | by Ben
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp

The switch statement - C++

The switch statement - C++

C++ has a built-in multiple branch selection statement, called switch which successively tests the value of an expression against a list of integer...

Views: 635 | Rating star | by Mathew
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp

Keywords - C++

Keywords - C++

Keywords are the reserved words that have predefined meanings in C++.

Views: 611 | Rating star | by Adam
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp

Commands for executing a C++ program in Unix OS - C++

Commands for executing a C++ program in Unix OS - C++

Program is created with the help of a text editor, which is either ed or vi in the case of UNIX operating systems.

Views: 577 | Rating star | by Steve
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp

The while statement - C++

The while statement - C++

The working of the while statement is as follows. First, the test condition is evaluated.

Views: 611 | Rating star | by Source
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp

Size and range of C++ data types - C++

Size and range of C++ data types - C++

The table lists the data types available in C++, the number of bytes each data type occupies and their range

Views: 597 | Rating star | by Sarah
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp

Rules for variables - C++

Rules for variables - C++

A Variable is a named location in memory that is used to hold a value that may be modified by the program.

Views: 646 | Rating star | by Troy
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp

Break statement - C++

Break statement - C++

The break statement has two uses. You can use it to terminate a case in the switch statement.

Views: 659 | Rating star | by Jason
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp

Polymorphism - C++

Polymorphism - C++

Polymorphism is another important feature of Object Oriented Programming.Polymorphism means one function existing in many forms.

Views: 618 | Rating star | by Troy
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp

Continue statement - C++

Continue statement - C++

The continue statement works similar to the break statement. Instead of forcing termination, the continue statement forces the next iteration of...

Views: 630 | Rating star | by Mathew
C and Cpp - Introduction to C and Cpp