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Adding Background to buttons

Adding Background to buttons

This tutorial will help you ad background to your form button

Views: 1061 | Rating star | by Isac
HTML - Backgrounds

Make rough edges to smooth of a red heart

Make rough edges to smooth of a red heart

Photoshop tutorial using Adobe cs2 studio technique to make smooth edges. CS2 photoshop studio free lesson – techniques to learn how to convert...

Views: 302 | Rating star | by Adam
Photoshop - Basics

coloring the scrollbar

coloring the scrollbar

This is how you can color the scrollbar of your page. To see the list of other codes, click here

Views: 942 | Rating star | by Sarah
HTML - Frames

Circle Pixel Effect

Circle Pixel Effect

Great effect for posters, banners, web designs, or layouts. Makes a picture look like it's made of circles. Circular pixels are easy to make...

Views: 215 | Rating star | by Source
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Make a moonlight shadow of a sphere or round object.

Make a moonlight shadow of a sphere or round object.

Photoshop tutorial using Adobe cs2 studio technique – Moon light shadow of round ball. CS2 photoshop studio free lesson – how to create shadow of a...

Views: 323 | Rating star | by Daniel
Photoshop - Basics

Drawing in the dark with a light photography tutorial

Drawing in the dark with a light photography tutorial

Drawing creative work at night with a light into air can be really fun. And pretty things comeout of it too. Here are some tips on how to make them...

Views: 387 | Rating star | by Simon
Photoshop - Photography

Making a wallpaper from neon lites

Making a wallpaper from neon lites

Learn how to make a simple wallpaper using neon light trails as your elements.

Views: 388 | Rating star | by Stephen
Photoshop - Digital Art

Cool new web button for you free website template project

Cool new web button for you free website template project

In this photoshop tutorial I have used techniques - how to use photoshop tools to draw a cool new web button for website design. Free web graphics...

Views: 235 | Rating star | by Tutorial
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Learn to draw a head phone for a sound system website

Learn to draw a head phone for a sound system website

In this photoshop tutorial I have used techniques - how to use photoshop tools to draw a logo for a audio website design. Free photoshop logo...

Views: 224 | Rating star | by Adam
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Create a pillow style web button for your free website template

Create a pillow style web button for your free website template

In this photoshop tutorial I have used techniques - how to use photoshop tools to draw a pillow style web button for free website template. Free...

Views: 196 | Rating star | by Mark
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Learn to create ocean water and ripples

Learn to create ocean water and ripples

In this photoshop tutorial I have used techniques - how to use photoshop tools to create water and cool ripple effect.

Views: 319 | Rating star | by Marry
Photoshop - Basics

Creating SEO Friendly URLs

Creating SEO Friendly URLs

If you own a website, you would know that without SEO or search engine optimization, a website has no value and also stands less chance of getting...

Views: 1062 | Rating star | by Donald
SEO - Search Optimization

GIMP rain animation

GIMP rain animation

Start from a photo or drawing, transform it in animation bu creating multiple layers and and a fake rain using motion blur.

Views: 1097 | Rating star | by Sean
Gimp - Animation

GIMP trick: make your subject jump out of a photo

GIMP trick: make your subject jump out of a photo

In this tutorial use photomanipulation to create a pseudo-3D effect of a subject jumping out of the photo frame.

Views: 1043 | Rating star | by Simon
Gimp - Photo Effects

Emacs editing, Pt.5: Shape your Emacs view

Emacs editing, Pt.5: Shape your Emacs view

This tutorial, the fifth in a series, shows you how to manage and manipulate the shape your Emacs session—examine how to partition the Emacs...

Views: 627 | Rating star | by Ben
Linux - Linux and other OSs

Speech Bubble Header

Speech Bubble Header

Create a clean web 2.0 style header containing a speech bubble for your website.

Views: 368 | Rating star | by Mathew
Photoshop - Web Layouts

Create a smoldering candle animation effect

Create a smoldering candle animation effect

In this photoshop tutorial I have used techniques - how to use photoshop tools to create an animation of a smoldering candle. Candle and smoke...

Views: 463 | Rating star | by Ben
Photoshop - Animation

CISSP Certification

CISSP Certification

Introduction to CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional) Certification. CISSP Certification is a vendor neutral and governed by...

Views: 606 | Rating star | by Ben
Windows - Networking

Flash Photo Album .. easy steps

Flash Photo Album .. easy steps

This flash tutorial would help you to make a Photo album. At the end of this flash tutorial you would have your own flash photo album ready.

Views: 520 | Rating star | by Daniel
Flash - Animation

The Bourne Ultimatum Color and Motion Blur Effect

The Bourne Ultimatum Color and Motion Blur Effect

Learn how to easily recreate the same color and motion blur effects used in the movie poster for the biggest action movie of the summer - the...

Views: 227 | Rating star | by Isac
Photoshop - Photo Effects