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Remove an Image From Its Background

Remove an Image From Its Background

In this narrated video tutorial, I teach you how to quickly remove an image from its background. This is useful to select a certain part of an...

Views: 330 | Rating star | by Ben
Photoshop - Photo Retouch

Create a postcard sender script

Create a postcard sender script

In this tutorial I will show you how to create a simple virtual postcard sender script with your own images.

Views: 862 | Rating star | by Marry
PHP - Postcards

Create Satin or brushed brass metal text effect

Create Satin or brushed brass metal text effect

In this computer cs2 dummy photo shop tech tutorial learn how to make satin or brushed brass metal text effect for logo. Use photoshop techniques -...

Views: 340 | Rating star | by Jason
Photoshop - Text Effects

Glossy badges in Illustrator

Glossy badges in Illustrator

The star tool and opacity masks make it easy to make eye-catching glossy badges for websites and user interface designs. Here's an example of...

Views: 737 | Rating star | by Stephen
Illustrator - Basics

Creating Electric Ice Text

Creating Electric Ice Text

A simple and easy to follow tutorial on how to change your ordinary text, giving it that cool 'electric ice' look.

Views: 322 | Rating star | by Troy
Photoshop - Text Effects

Made of glass Letters or text effect.

Made of glass Letters or text effect.

In this computer cs2 dummy photo shop tech tutorial learn how to make text made of glass for free logo. Use photoshop techniques - photo shop glass...

Views: 312 | Rating star | by Steve
Photoshop - Text Effects

Create cool wavy text effect

Create cool wavy text effect

In this computer cs2 dummy photo shop tech tutorial learn how to make text made of waves or zigzag lines. Use photoshop techniques - photo shop...

Views: 282 | Rating star | by Marry
Photoshop - Text Effects

Create honey web comb like text effect

Create honey web comb like text effect

In this computer cs2 dummy photo shop tech tutorial learn how to make or design honey comb web like text effect for free logo or website banner....

Views: 371 | Rating star | by Nick
Photoshop - Text Effects

The New ‘Flubbers’ Text

The New ‘Flubbers’ Text

Create a Brand New Text Effect for the title Flubbers!

Views: 184 | Rating star | by David
Photoshop - Text Effects

Transparent Cube

Transparent Cube

In this tutorial you are going to learn how to create a transparent cube.

Views: 271 | Rating star | by Simon
Photoshop - Drawing



In this tutorial I will show you how to create a banner with a metalic border.

Views: 229 | Rating star 3 | by Steve
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Better orb

Better orb

In this tutorial you are going to learn how to make a better looking orb.

Views: 274 | Rating star | by Sean
Photoshop - Drawing

Glowing text

Glowing text

In this tutorial you are going to learn how to make a glowing text.

Views: 303 | Rating star | by Stephen
Photoshop - Text Effects

Orb Splash

Orb Splash

In this tutorial you are going to create a orb based website splash.

Views: 234 | Rating star | by Sean
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Creating An Interesting Picture Watermark

Creating An Interesting Picture Watermark

You need to watermark web images so people know where they came from but how do yo do this in a cool and interesting way that is both informative...

Views: 204 | Rating star | by Amy
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Create a Flash preloader using ActionScript

Create a Flash preloader using ActionScript

The scope of flash preloders is to keep the user involved while the main contant is loading. That is why is very important for creating...

Views: 511 | Rating star | by Tutorial
Flash - Interactivity

Using The AutoSum button

Using The AutoSum button

This video tutorial shows how to use the autosum button in excel

Views: 668 | Rating star | by Isac
MS Excel - Basics

Turning Your Favorite Photo into a Sketch

Turning Your Favorite Photo into a Sketch

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to apply the use of Photoshop’s filters to create a sketch from a photo using simple steps. You will be...

Views: 247 | Rating star | by David
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Simple Photo Reflection

Simple Photo Reflection

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create simple photo reflection by using image duplication technique and some tools.

Views: 241 | Rating star | by Tutorial
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Movie Clip controlling using the action script

Movie Clip controlling using the action script

In this lesson you will learn how to control movie clip.

Views: 486 | Rating star | by Sean
Flash - Actionscripting