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Memory Management with Declare

Memory Management with Declare

I'm sure it's happened with the best of us. A script suddenly gets stuck in a loop and saps all the memory from the server. However,...

Views: 430 | Rating star | by Tutorial
PHP - Miscellaneous

PHP regular expression tutorial

PHP regular expression tutorial

In this article I will show you how to use PHP regular expressions in your own PHP scripts.

Views: 683 | Rating star | by Isac
PHP - Introduction to PHP

CakePHP’s advanced model fields validation

CakePHP’s advanced model fields validation

After checking different blogs and tutorials, the bakery, API and IRC channel, it was obvious that some kind of documentation for the validation...

Views: 423 | Rating star | by Adam
PHP - Error Handling

Create a Unique Hits Counter Using PHP and MySQL

Create a Unique Hits Counter Using PHP and MySQL

Learn how to create a unique hits counter that saves data into a MySQL database.

Views: 919 | Rating star | by Sarah
PHP - Counters

Install Apache, PHP and MySQL on Windows XP

Install Apache, PHP and MySQL on Windows XP

This tutorial will show you how to install Apache 2.0.59, PHP 5.2.3 and MySQL 5.0.41 on machine running Windows XP.

Views: 600 | Rating star | by Brad
PHP - Development

Complete Walkthrough: Creating a Gallery Class

Complete Walkthrough: Creating a Gallery Class

In this tutorial we will be create a gallery class, and also a template class that will work together with the gallery class. This will extend on a...

Views: 596 | Rating star | by Jason
PHP - Development

P-Bank System For Games - Part 1

P-Bank System For Games - Part 1

In this tutorial i will explain you how to create a Bank system for games using php and a mysql database. In part 1 i will show you how to store...

Views: 461 | Rating star | by Isac
PHP - Miscellaneous

PHP Arrays

PHP Arrays

Tutorial shows difference between numeric and associative arrays and with example of how to how to use them.

Views: 612 | Rating star | by Mathew
PHP - Development

Recording Visitors (And Infomation About Them)

Recording Visitors (And Infomation About Them)

How to record information about all your visitors in one small file.

Views: 447 | Rating star | by Marry
PHP - Miscellaneous

Make a Page That Calculates MD5 Hashes of Input

Make a Page That Calculates MD5 Hashes of Input

All this does is it takes the user's input, calculates the MD5 hash of the input, and displays it to the user.

Views: 572 | Rating star | by Slicer
PHP - Security

Basics of OOP

Basics of OOP

This tutorial assumes you have a decent knowledge of PHP. You will learn the basic concepts of OOP and their uses.

Views: 910 | Rating star | by Isac

Introduction to Debugging and Error Checking your PHP Applications

Introduction to Debugging and Error Checking your PHP Applications

Debugging essentially means to track down an error in your code. Found a 'bug' in your code? Then you need to 'de-bug' it! This...

Views: 581 | Rating star | by Marry
PHP - Development

Why you should not rely entirely on an IP

Why you should not rely entirely on an IP

Filtering users by their IP address may seem like a good idea when you're beginning PHP, even coders that should know better have been caught...

Views: 598 | Rating star | by Sean
PHP - Security

Creating images with PHP and the GD extension

Creating images with PHP and the GD extension

Today I am going to cover how to create dynamic images with PHP and the gd extension. Gd allows you to draw many different shapes and put text into...

Views: 607 | Rating star | by Stephen
PHP - Image Manipulation

Adding Commas to Large Numbers in PHP

Adding Commas to Large Numbers in PHP

Learn how to implement the simple PHP number_format function so that you can format large numbers with commas after every 3 digits for ease of...

Views: 636 | Rating star | by Mathew
PHP - Database Related

PHP Walkthrough & Script: Building an Apache-like Access Control List (ACL)

PHP Walkthrough & Script: Building an Apache-like Access Control List (ACL)

We're going to be constructing an Apache-like, in fact we're going to be emulating the Apache ACL in its entirety. Although you could...

Views: 529 | Rating star | by David
PHP - Security

Advanced PHP: Working with Interfaces

Advanced PHP: Working with Interfaces

When you create an interface, you're basically creating a prototype/blueprint of functions that classes using the interface must implement in...

Views: 867 | Rating star | by Jason

Detailed PHP form processing tutorial

Detailed PHP form processing tutorial

This article demonstrates how to use PHP forms. You will find detailed information from the form basics to the more advanced form processing topics.

Views: 601 | Rating star | by Steve
PHP - Form Processing

Dynamic Signature That Connects To a MySQL Database

Dynamic Signature That Connects To a MySQL Database

Learn how to create a dynamic signature that connects to a database to collect infomation and display it.

Views: 630 | Rating star | by Jason
PHP - Image Manipulation

PHP SOAP Extension Client Programs

PHP SOAP Extension Client Programs

This provides notes and tutorials on PHP SOAP Extension client functions and client testing programs. What Is PHP SOAP Extension? GetTemp.php -...

Views: 883 | Rating star | by Troy
PHP - PHP vs Other Languages