For this article we’ll be looking at the __toString magic function, and a very handy function it is to. What this function does is allow you to...
Views: 587 | | by Stephen
In this short article I will introduce you to the PHP Command Line Interface (or CLI for short). PHP CLI allows you to run PHP scripts directly...
A detailed guide on how to create a simple login system for your website.
Object Oriented Features New to PHP 5......a useful tutorial.
Views: 629 | | by Source
This tutorial will provide a simple example of one method for parsing an XML document, more specifically, an RSS formatted XML document. This...
Views: 676 | | by Tutorial
How to create a random numbers script in PHP, a well detailed tutorial.
Using Dreamweavers built-in dynamic application tools I will show you how to use them to create a restricted area for your site that users have to...
This tutorial will show you what you should do to transform your PowerPoint presentations into SWF Flash movies for publishing on the web or...
function to generate random deferent pattern like letters and combination of letters and numbers using PHP
This tutorial was written to introduce you to PHP, it assumes you know nothing about programming at all, starts with the very basics and slowly...
I must admit that I was going to write you a simple timezone script and then tell you how easy it was. However, I came across some handy timezone_*...
Do you always drive a long way to solve the computer problems for your friends? Do you always feel boring to describe how to solve the computer...
Making a few changes can increase your productivity dramatically. In this article we will try to show you how to configure the Taskbar and the...
Views: 532 | | by Jason
Windows - Tips
This two parts tutorial shows you how to use Maya's strong normal mapping functionality to generate normal maps for a fantasy character. This...
Views: 630 | | by Tutorial
Maya - Modeling
Learn how to use layers, layer masks and clipping masks in Photoshop to create the illusion that your photo is made up of vertical and horizontal...
This step by step tutorials explains how to insert images and other elements that are not of text in the slides, in PowerPoint 2007. Follow the...
This tutorial explains how to install Apache Web Server on Windows Vista.
How to connect a video camera to your Windows Vista PC and save your movies in a digital format.
Views: 537 | | by David
Windows - Tips
Ever wanted to become adept in PHP's GD library? This article will show you how to create a bar chart using the PHP GD library.
Create a category system that allows for unlimited number of categories. Keep everything dynamic and easy to use.