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Techish Navigation

Techish Navigation

Create a tech style navigation for a website using fireworks. Easy to understand tutorial with step by step screenshots.

Views: 910 | Rating star | by Steve
Fireworks - Basics

Video: Pimp your Blender

Video: Pimp your Blender

We'll be covering: * How to Not Screw Up your Default Settings * Customizing your Colors * Customizing your Icons * Customizing your Font...

Views: 920 | Rating star | by Mathew
Blender 3d - Basics

Creative Settings for Depth of Field

Creative Settings for Depth of Field

Learn how to use depth of field to your advantage when composing a photo and how each setting changes your results; includes information on shutter...

Views: 412 | Rating star | by Mathew
Photoshop - Photography

Easy Orb Button

Easy Orb Button

This easy orb button takes 2 minutes to make and is customizable. Comes with full psd source file.

Views: 446 | Rating star | by Ben
Photoshop - Buttons

Create a Rotating Wheel Animation Effect

Create a Rotating Wheel Animation Effect

Design a Rotating Wheel Animation Effect using photoshop features

Views: 444 | Rating star | by Mathew
Photoshop - Animation

 Changing the Windows Start Button Text

Changing the Windows Start Button Text

In this tutorial I show you how to edit the explorer executable to change the text that appears on the start button. You can change the text to say...

Views: 537 | Rating star | by Stephen
Windows - Tips

Fading Square Effect

Fading Square Effect

This tutorial will show you how to create a fading square transition effect.

Views: 665 | Rating star | by John
Flash - Special Effects

Cool text fading animation [VID]

Cool text fading animation [VID] In this new Flash video tutorial you will see how to make a cool text animation effect.

Views: 642 | Rating star | by Donald
Flash - Text Effects

Mouse Cursor Recorder

Mouse Cursor Recorder

This tutorial will teach you how to create a recorder for your mouse cursor. The recorder works just like voice recorder.

Views: 1003 | Rating star | by Simon
Flash - Tricks

Using Color to Evoke Emotions in Photography

Using Color to Evoke Emotions in Photography

Learn how color can affect the mood of your photo viewers, each color has the ability to inspire different emotions in people.

Views: 413 | Rating star | by Troy
Photoshop - Photography

Leverage automation to move your software quickly

Leverage automation to move your software quickly

Automated builds aren't just for development teams — they can be extended to facilitate moving software from development all the way into...

Views: 654 | Rating star | by Isac
Java - General Java

The Making of Salad

The Making of Salad

'Salad' is a computer generated image created in November 20 06. It is a tribute to the fantastic artist H.R. Giger and the classical...

Views: 552 | Rating star | by Troy
3DS MAX - Modeling

Making A Shield In Illustrator

Making A Shield In Illustrator

This tutorial teaches how to make a shield, ribbon with warped text, and small embellishments around it. It will also cover techniques/tips on...

Views: 767 | Rating star | by Sarah
Illustrator - Drawing

Transparent Glass Lettering

Transparent Glass Lettering

Learn how to make a stunning glass text effect. Adapted from a Photoshop tutorial.

Views: 986 | Rating star | by Sarah
Gimp - Text Effects

Create a web 2.0 stripe header with Gimp

Create a web 2.0 stripe header with Gimp

A simple tutorial showing how to use the popular web 2.0 stripe effect in a header.

Views: 1050 | Rating star | by Slicer
Gimp - Web Graphics

Masking repeating background with gradients

Masking repeating background with gradients

Flash 8+ tutorial which shows step by step how to mask out a repeating background using gradients. Includes fla/swf files and html examples.

Views: 639 | Rating star | by Stephen
Flash - Web Design

Ying and Yang Symbol

Ying and Yang Symbol

Learn how to create the very popular yin and yang symbol, which is used to represent the unity of opposites.

Views: 725 | Rating star | by Source
Illustrator - Drawing

Getting Started with CSS

Getting Started with CSS

In this tutorial you will learn Getting Started with CSS.

Views: 697 | Rating star | by Marry

Medieval Layout

Medieval Layout

Create a Medieval layout, perfect for your portfolio business or clan website

Views: 379 | Rating star 3 | by Nick
Photoshop - Web Layouts

How To Create A Simple Layer Animation In Dreamweaver

How To Create A Simple Layer Animation In Dreamweaver

This video tutorial shows how to create a simple layer position animation in dreamweaver using the timeline.

Views: 940 | Rating star | by John
Dreamweaver - Inserting Media