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Navigation Menu

Navigation Menu

This tutorial will show you how to create a nice and stylish navigation menu for your web site

Views: 477 | Rating star | by Isac
Photoshop - Buttons

Modern photography menu with filter effects

Modern photography menu with filter effects

This very useful lesson will show you and teach how to create very modern and advanced photography flash menu.

Views: 607 | Rating star | by Daniel
Flash - Navigation

Bourne Ultimatum Poster

Bourne Ultimatum Poster

As you know the final part of the Bourne trilogy – 'The Bourne Ultimatum' movie was out recently. You've probably seen the posters...

Views: 328 | Rating star | by Sarah
Photoshop - Photo Retouch

Killer Fire Effect

Killer Fire Effect

Create a fantastic fire effect thats dynamic so can be re used again and edited for various other effects,you can us

Views: 465 | Rating star | by Steve
Photoshop - Textures and Patterns

Open a Command Prompt From Any Folder

Open a Command Prompt From Any Folder

Tired of launching a command prompt window, only to have to type in folder names to get where you want to be? Well, this tutorial will guide you...

Views: 700 | Rating star | by Mark
Windows - Administration

Stock Signature Tutorial

Stock Signature Tutorial

Using C4d's and smudging, you'll get a great look with this tutorial.

Views: 518 | Rating star | by Donald
Photoshop - Abstracts

3D Flower Pot

3D Flower Pot

Do you have a green thumb? With this tutorial, you may end up with one! Learn how to create a 3D flower pot with this tutorial, including soil and...

Views: 748 | Rating star | by Marry
Illustrator - 3D

Configuration of AIX Fast Connect and SMBFS

Configuration of AIX Fast Connect and SMBFS

AIX Fast Connect is server software that allows AIX servers to share files and printers with personal computer clients. Follow along with this...

Views: 627 | Rating star | by Mathew
Linux - Linux and other OSs

How to make a stick figure movie in Flash 8

How to make a stick figure movie in Flash 8

The short tutorial teaches the user how to use flash, an adobe product effectively to make movies by creating characters and then using the frames...

Views: 760 | Rating star | by Mathew
Flash - Tips and Techniques

3D Dice

3D Dice

Are you feeling lucky? See if you can roll a lucky 7 with this tutorial on how to create 3d dice!

Views: 682 | Rating star | by Ben
Illustrator - 3D



Intermediate Tutorial - thoroughly explained. Clipping Mask Usage.

Views: 485 | Rating star | by Jason
Photoshop - Abstracts

Making Screenshots Look Photographed

Making Screenshots Look Photographed

Learn how to make plain screenshots look like they were created with a camera pointed at the screen.

Views: 985 | Rating star | by Colin
Gimp - Effects

Yet another shaking text

Yet another shaking text

In this Flash tutorial you will see how to make some text blur out then going crazy shaking.

Views: 721 | Rating star | by Isac
Flash - Text Effects

Pie Chart

Pie Chart

A tutorial that will show you how to create PowerPoint-like pie chart. This is basic Flash where there is only little Actionscript used.

Views: 662 | Rating star | by Amy
Flash - Drawing

Create a simple glossy orb

Create a simple glossy orb

This tutorial will show you how to create a simple glossy orb that can be used in many different situations.

Views: 416 | Rating star | by Daniel
Photoshop - Basics

VLC: Free Tiny DVD Player and Media Player

VLC: Free Tiny DVD Player and Media Player

Learn how to use VLC player to play dvds. Dont you hate widescreen dvds giving you that long empty black strip above and below your movies? Learn...

Views: 590 | Rating star | by Sarah
Windows - Tips

Album Slide

Album Slide

A dynamic photo album read from an xml file. There is a strip of photos at the bottom that moves with the mouse

Views: 695 | Rating star | by Nick
Flash - Interactivity

Royale Theme Desktop Wallpaper for Windows XP

Royale Theme Desktop Wallpaper for Windows XP

Learn how to create the popular Windows XP Royale theme in this tutorial.

Views: 364 | Rating star | by Sarah
Photoshop - Basics

Modeling A Mug

Modeling A Mug

For beginner. Although simple, this tutorial is useful because explain a lot of modeling feature. You will be able to model a mug in couple minutes.

Views: 586 | Rating star | by Tutorial
3DS MAX - Modeling

Create a cool optical illusion

Create a cool optical illusion

Here's a video tutorial on how to create a very interesting optical illusion using any picture you desire.

Views: 481 | Rating star | by Amy
Photoshop - Animation