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Adding a rainbow to a picture using Adobe Photoshop

Adding a rainbow to a picture using Adobe Photoshop

The purpose of this tutorial is to show how to add a rainbow into a picture. First, you must choose carefully the type of image you want to work...

Views: 851 | Rating star | by Slicer
Photoshop - Textures and Patterns

Beautify a face in Adobe Photoshop

Beautify a face in Adobe Photoshop

You may have in your gallery dozens of portraits taken. Of course, no one has a perfect skin, a perfect smile or a perfect hair style. It is...

Views: 806 | Rating star | by David
Photoshop - Photo Retouch

Modern menu tutorial

Modern menu tutorial

Learn how to make this modern web 2.0 looking menu inspired by Luna Element Black windows theme.

Views: 884 | Rating star | by Ben
Photoshop - Buttons

Formal Photo Effect

Formal Photo Effect

Make your photos look classic! This professional-quality photo effect looks natural and is a great alternative to black and white or selective...

Views: 843 | Rating star | by Jarry
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Creating a wicked cinema billboard scene: A Photoshop tutorial

Creating a wicked cinema billboard scene: A Photoshop tutorial

A wicked Photoshop tutorial showing the way to create an old-school cinema/theatre billboard effect with star-burst and lights. Incorporates...

Views: 769 | Rating star | by Sean
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Behind mode in Photoshop CS 3

Behind mode in Photoshop CS 3

Quick and easy tutorial on using clone stamp and brush tools with the 'behind mode' in photoshop CS3.

Views: 888 | Rating star | by Amy
Photoshop - Basics

Easy Photoshop Watermark Tutorial

Easy Photoshop Watermark Tutorial

A simple way to apply a copyright watermark to any piece or art or photograph. I also mention how to batch add to even a whole folder of work.

Views: 831 | Rating star | by Isac
Photoshop - Effects

Creating Orbs the Right way

Creating Orbs the Right way

learn how to associate the dodge tool to create a realistic orb ball thats similiar to the ones seen in cinema or other 3d modeling programs.

Views: 801 | Rating star | by Tutorial
Photoshop - Digital Art

Photoshop Elements: Quick Vignette for Highlighting

Photoshop Elements: Quick Vignette for Highlighting

Make a quick vignette to draw attention to one section of your photo. The area outside your selection is blurred and darkened.

Views: 796 | Rating star | by Sarah
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Creating a game - Part 4

Creating a game - Part 4

Learn how to create games - Part 4 - In this Part you'll continue to create your first game...

Views: 919 | Rating star | by Brad
Flash - Games

Reducing Chromatic Aberrations

Reducing Chromatic Aberrations

Photoshop's new Lens Correction filter offers an alternative environment to fix chromatic aberrations. To access the filter, select Filter >...

Views: 759 | Rating star | by Steve
Photoshop - Photo Retouch

Make a Torn edge old brown paper

Make a Torn edge old brown paper

Here we will tell you how to make a Torn-edge-old-brown-paper in photoshop

Views: 823 | Rating star | by Jarry
Photoshop - Basics

Create a Sparkling water drop effect

Create a Sparkling water drop effect

Here we will tell you how to make a Sparkling-water-drop-effect in photoshop.

Views: 821 | Rating star | by Stephen
Photoshop - Basics

Fix Harsh Daylight Photos

Fix Harsh Daylight Photos

One of the most annoying problem for many photographers is harsh daylight lighting. In this Photoshop class, we'll teach you how to rescue...

Views: 844 | Rating star | by John
Photoshop - Photo Retouch

Learn to Give image negative effect

Learn to Give image negative effect

Here we will tell you how to make a Give-image-negative-effect in photoshop

Views: 768 | Rating star | by Colin
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Design a Hanging tag logo fitness shop website

Design a Hanging tag logo fitness shop website

Here we will tell you how to make a Hanging-tag-logo-fitness-shop-website in photoshop.

Views: 839 | Rating star | by David
Photoshop - Drawing

Clean Wordpress Blog Header

Clean Wordpress Blog Header

in this tutorial I'm going to show you how to make a clean header.

Views: 823 | Rating star | by Simon
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Glamous Photo Effect

Glamous Photo Effect

Create a glamour background by change its colors and add some brushes

Views: 854 | Rating star | by Isac
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Design A Slick, Reflective, Header

Design A Slick, Reflective, Header

This tutorial will show you how to design a slick, reflective, glossy, table-like header image. Very cool final product!

Views: 832 | Rating star | by Mark
Photoshop - Web Layouts

Using FlashVars to pass an array with cuepoints to a MediaPlayback component.

Using FlashVars to pass an array with cuepoints to a MediaPlayback component.

In this tutorial we'll use FlashVars to pass an array containing cue points to a MediaPlayback component in flash, and use a button to cue the...

Views: 866 | Rating star | by Mark
Flash - Actionscripting