Providing search capabilities to a db enables users to query on whichever element you target them to. However allowing users to target which...
Storing frequently used lookup data in a database is a great idea (e.g. order status codes, state names, etc.) that saves tremendous amounts of...
This is an article on executing all or none database queries using ASP-Database transactions. Must read for ASP-Database developers. Sample...
Learn how to search and sort the records through the database. Step by step tutorial with Sample code and database available for download. Online...
In depth article on showing records in a page by page fashion with 'first page','next','back' and 'last...
Want to add value to your current search? Allow your users to search from within search results. As databases grow the necessity for the user to...
This is a brief and very useful tutorial on creating and using stored procedures with your asp applications. A stored procedure is nothing more...
This is an article on using Recordset. It uses GetRows method to speedup database access. One of the fastest ways of displaying database records...
This article shows how to generate random records from the database. Also explains how to generate random numbers. Sample Database and Code...
This page demonstrates the capabilities how to display a table from a SQL statement. It illustrates not only how to display the table, but also how...
Allowing multiple choices of data observations enables people to customize views of your data and adds value to your applications. This example...
This is a simple tip that presents an ASP class that can read the properties of a Macromedia Flash file (a .swf file). You can use this handy class...
This article explains how to connect a Flash movie to an Access database, and use an ASP page to query the database and transfer information over...
Learn the cool things possible using Flash and ASP. Attractive and interactive Flash interfaces make your pages look fun and interesting. This...
Flash allows you to create zippy, vector-based animation and interactivity in a small ActiveX control, and ASP allows you to create dynamic HTML...
This script shows how to send an email via the CDONTS objects available to ASP 3.0. It will take a selection of form input, create the required...
Full VBS code, which lets you accept x-www-form-urlencoded forms in ASP without limit of size using BinaryRead (Request.Form has 100kB limit),...
ASPRSS has a subscription service that automatically submits articles to all the ASP directories out there. This article shows how the data is...
This article discusses how to deal with various checkboxes in form via ASP. Covers: The Default No-Frills Checkbox, Checkbox With An Associated...
This is an extensive article that describes form validation technique to help the user submit correct information.