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Cookies Across Domains

Cookies Across Domains

Cookies are not transferrable across domains; the only domain that can access the cookie is the domain that created it. This article describes...

Views: 1044 | Rating star | by Colin
ASP - Cookies and Sessions

Cookies 101

Cookies 101

Cookies are a very useful; they can store usernames/password, preferences, last visits, etc. This short explains how to store information a user...

Views: 1126 | Rating star | by Steve
ASP - Cookies and Sessions

How to create and retrieve cookies using ASP

How to create and retrieve cookies using ASP

Cookies can be used to remember things about a user when they come back to your site. Cookies expire after a certain amount of time which you can...

Views: 931 | Rating star | by David
ASP - Cookies and Sessions

Let's bake some cookies!

Let's bake some cookies!

One of the problems on the net is that you seldom know whom your dealing with. Is it a newbie on your site, a regular guest or your boss?...

Views: 0 | Rating star | by Amy
ASP - Cookies and Sessions

Cookies with ASP

Cookies with ASP

Cookies can be a good method for passing data between pages and especially for retaining data between sessions. Today, it's pretty safe to...

Views: 1028 | Rating star | by Daniel
ASP - Cookies and Sessions

Write and Read A Cookie

Write and Read A Cookie

Cookies enable you to write text directly to a users computer. This can be used to easily recognize if a user has been to your site before or used...

Views: 1095 | Rating star | by Adam
ASP - Cookies and Sessions

Active users

Active users

This is a common feature on websites showing that there are x visitors on site at present . This example demonstartes how this is achieved

Views: 1086 | Rating star | by Stephen
ASP - Counters

More accurate text counter

More accurate text counter

This is a slightly better version of your standard text counter , this example only increments a count once per session whereas a normal counter...

Views: 1027 | Rating star | by Jarry
ASP - Counters

text counter

text counter

This example uses a flat text file to store the count . Shows the basics of file usage in ASP.

Views: 1118 | Rating star | by Isac
ASP - Counters

ASP and current performance values

ASP and current performance values

Want to show current number of users on your ASP page? This article lets you show a way to access IIS/ASP performance values from ASP. Source to...

Views: 1014 | Rating star | by Tutorial
ASP - Counters

Creating an ASP-driven Page Counter for HTML Pages

Creating an ASP-driven Page Counter for HTML Pages

This article illustrates a technique to provide dynamic content generated from an ASP page onto a static HTML page. Specifically it explains how to...

Views: 930 | Rating star | by Sarah
ASP - Counters

Impression Counter (With a db)

Impression Counter (With a db)

What's behind an image? Just about anything you there to be including a db. A typical image tag downloads an image to be processed by the...

Views: 999 | Rating star | by Tutorial
ASP - Counters

ASP Hit Counter

ASP Hit Counter

You can count the number of visitors on your site with a very simple ASP code. Create a file Count.asp with the following code and add in the...

Views: 1071 | Rating star | by Jarry
ASP - Counters

Database-Driven WWW Help System

Database-Driven WWW Help System

The help system presented in this article is self contained and can be updated and altered without impacting the original Web application. The help...

Views: 1112 | Rating star | by Troy
ASP - Customer Support

Compare dates

Compare dates

Self explaining sort scripts to compare dates. You may use them to display your age, time period fromm a given date or happening etc. (DateDiff,...

Views: 1120 | Rating star | by Brad
ASP - Date and Time

Displaying Date, Time, and Text

Displaying Date, Time, and Text

Shows the basic methods to display date, time and text in a ASP script. Examples on different ways to display the date and time presented.

Views: 1017 | Rating star | by Slicer
ASP - Date and Time

Date Last Modified ScriptWriter

Date Last Modified ScriptWriter

The author writes 'Many places on the web feature the date that the current document was last modified on. Rather than changing the date...

Views: 1030 | Rating star | by David
ASP - Date and Time

Form Dates

Form Dates

There are a number of ways to have users input dates into your application. Dropdown menus are the preferred method employed as there will...

Views: 1058 | Rating star | by Jason
ASP - Date and Time

Some Nifty Functions for Passing Variables Around

Some Nifty Functions for Passing Variables Around

Here are a set of very useful functions that allows you to pass variables around via forms, querystrings, and/or cookies. Source code available for...

Views: 916 | Rating star | by Ben
ASP - Development

Creating Parent-Child Relationships

Creating Parent-Child Relationships

This tutorial explains how to do recursive subroutines in ASP (VBScript). Use this algorithm to create threaded discussions, directories, or...

Views: 964 | Rating star | by Brad
ASP - Development