Complete Online Chapter 'Data Access with .NET' from Wrox Press book 'Professional C# 2nd Edition'. Topics covered include...
Article describes what is SQL? what it is used for? how to SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE records from the database? and more.
If you have an SQL database set up with your web host, a useful tip to know is how to connect to your SQL database via Enterprise Manager. The...
Compact and repair your access database online from ASP code. This is example code of how this can be done.
This is the first of the four-part 'Advanced SQL Techniques' series, which describes a quick and efficient way to delete duplicate...
This article describes how to use Microsoft SQL Server triggers to automatically record all updates and inserts for a particular database table in...
This article describes several ways to use a SQL calculated field and the ORDER BY clause to arrange a recordset in random order. It provides a...
This article explains a solution on how to increase the performance of your ASP pages that rely on gathering data through several different...
A step by step tutorial on caching data in memory. This tutorial goes one step further from simply caching data in memory to allow you to set a...
This article covers rarely discussed feature of ADO Recordsets, disconnected Recordsets. It examines what disconnected Recordsets are, how to use...
The author writes 'Recently I was asked to develop a web based report that would collect data from a database, format it in an HTML page and...
This article describes how to use the refresh method of the ADO Parameters collection to interrogate a stored procedure. It shows how to create the...
This example shows how to get a list of all current tables in the database, get a list of dependent stored procedures for each table and do it all...
AddCriteria is a small function that simplifies the code needed to produce a SQL query from a set of optional criteria posted by a user. This...
This is a quick sample code which combines a number of database functions into one script. Includes functions to add, delete, and edit records in a...
This article covers two advanced ADO topics: creating hierarchical Recordsets (via data shaping) and creating custom Recordsets. Specifically, this...
This article shows you how to use SQL-DMO to create an Active Server Pages application to backup and verify a SQL Server database. The SQL...
The author writes 'CoverYourASP's original database administration tool didn't look for foreign keys, and just displayed a confusing...
This article explains ADO connection strings and parameters. By the end of the article you should be able to build appropriate ones on your own...
This is an example code showing how to conduct searches on a database to display hyperlinked summaries that can be clicked on to display detail data.