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Beginning Blender The Easy Way(Part 2)

Beginning Blender The Easy Way(Part 2)

The second in a series of tutorials to help you learn now to use blender, a free 3D modeling program. You can visit for more tutorials.

Views: 957 | Rating star | by Simon
Blender 3d - Basics

Video: Gen3 Tree-Making Tool

Video: Gen3 Tree-Making Tool

This is a quick demo of the Gen3 tree-generating script. Gen3 is created by Sergey Prokhorchuk (a.k.a. Stager) and we have him to thank for...

Views: 1024 | Rating star | by Troy
Blender 3d - Modelling

BlenderCourse Software box (EN)

BlenderCourse Software box (EN)

E-book (PDF) which teaches you how to model a 3D software box with textures in Blender 3D

Views: 965 | Rating star | by Simon
Blender 3d - Modelling

Oven-Baked Pretzels in Blender

Oven-Baked Pretzels in Blender

This 6-part video tutorial series will take a look at how you can create 3D pretzels in Blender. We'll start from a collection of reference...

Views: 1031 | Rating star | by Steve
Blender 3d - Modelling

3D Coca Cola Bottle in Blender

3D Coca Cola Bottle in Blender

Both model & texture a complete Coke bottle in Blender 3D! Tutorial was designed with the beginner in mind, but advanced modelers could make some...

Views: 1189 | Rating star | by Marry
Blender 3d - Modelling

Basic Decaling in Blender

Basic Decaling in Blender

Well, here's another Blender tutorial! This time we take a look at how to apply decals to a 3D mesh object. It's really very simple but,...

Views: 1091 | Rating star | by Adam
Blender 3d - Materials

Brushed Metal in Blender

Brushed Metal in Blender

One of's tutorials on how to make a brushed metal material. Tutorial includes many screenshots, step-by-step instructions and the...

Views: 1143 | Rating star | by Tutorial
Blender 3d - Materials

Realistic Falling Snow

Realistic Falling Snow

Using particles and materials, make snow. Tutorials goes into depth making animation believable.

Views: 1067 | Rating star | by Troy
Blender 3d - Animation

Model a Wine Glass in Blender

Model a Wine Glass in Blender

In this tutorial, you will learn how to: - Use a tracing image to create a glass - Use the Spin tool - Create a glass material * Explore other...

Views: 1038 | Rating star | by Simon
Blender 3d - Modelling

Video: Pimp your Blender

Video: Pimp your Blender

We'll be covering: * How to Not Screw Up your Default Settings * Customizing your Colors * Customizing your Icons * Customizing your Font...

Views: 907 | Rating star | by Mathew
Blender 3d - Basics

Metal Spike Art

Metal Spike Art

You can make some really cool abstract art through a little tweaking in Blender!

Views: 1086 | Rating star | by Sean
Blender 3d - Modelling

Making Water With Blender Fluids

Making Water With Blender Fluids

This 'super3boy's blender tutorial' goes over how to use blender fluids. A series of tutorials to help you learn now to use blender,...

Views: 1133 | Rating star | by Ben
Blender 3d - Effects

How to Animate Your Models in Blender

How to Animate Your Models in Blender

The seventh in a series of tutorials to help you learn now to use blender, a free 3D modeling program. You can visit for...

Views: 1063 | Rating star | by Jarry
Blender 3d - Animation

How to Make Your Own Game In Blender

How to Make Your Own Game In Blender

This 'super3boy's blender tutorial' goes over how to make a basic game with the blender game engine. A series of tutorials to help...

Views: 1017 | Rating star | by Mathew
Blender 3d - Basics

Skybox rendering using Blender 3D

Skybox rendering using Blender 3D

Tutorial that walks users through the setup of using Blender 3D to render out Skyboxes using simple UVW mapped primitives (spheres). The included...

Views: 972 | Rating star | by Jason
Blender 3d - Modelling

How to make Grass with Blender Static Particles

How to make Grass with Blender Static Particles

This 'super3boy's blender tutorial' goes over how to grass with particles. A series of tutorials to help you learn now to use...

Views: 998 | Rating star | by Sarah
Blender 3d - Basics

Video: Creating a Text Outline Effect in Blender

Video: Creating a Text Outline Effect in Blender

In this short tutorial, we'll take a look at how you can use Blender to create text outline effects. Our goal will be to have the text appear...

Views: 1029 | Rating star | by Colin
Blender 3d - Effects

How to Make A Simple Cloth

How to Make A Simple Cloth

This 'super3boy's blender tutorial' goes over how to make a cloth with softbodies. A series of tutorials to help you learn now to...

Views: 1016 | Rating star | by Nick
Blender 3d - Modelling

Vehicle Setup

Vehicle Setup

Create a realistic car setup. In just minutes, you can add suspension, steering, brakes, power, etc. Car model included

Views: 1076 | Rating star | by Isac
Blender 3d - Modelling

How to add Materials and Colors To Your Objects

How to add Materials and Colors To Your Objects

How to add Materials and Colors To Your Objects. This is an easy to follow tutorial. The sixth in a series of tutorials to help you learn now to...

Views: 1025 | Rating star 3 | by Jason
Blender 3d - Materials