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Connecting to a database

Connecting to a database

This tutorial describes how to connect to a database when developing Macromedia ColdFusion applications with Macromedia Dreamweaver MX.

Views: 1004 | Rating star | by Brad
Dreamweaver - Dreamweaver and Studio MX

Planning page design and layout

Planning page design and layout

This tutorial series uses a fictional organization, The Wildlife Project, to demonstrate website asset development.

Views: 932 | Rating star | by John
Dreamweaver - Dreamweaver and Studio MX

Creating a banner graphic in Fireworks MX

Creating a banner graphic in Fireworks MX

This tutorial shows you how to create a Macromedia Fireworks MX banner graphic that includes text, an image, and a mask.

Views: 953 | Rating star | by Steve
Dreamweaver - Dreamweaver and Studio MX

Building a Fireworks MX navigation bar (Part 1)

Building a Fireworks MX navigation bar (Part 1)

This tutorial is the first of a two-part tutorial that shows you how to build a Macromedia Fireworks MX navigation bar that you can use on multiple...

Views: 900 | Rating star | by Isac
Dreamweaver - Dreamweaver and Studio MX

Building a Fireworks MX navigation bar (Part 2)

Building a Fireworks MX navigation bar (Part 2)

This tutorial is the second of a two-part tutorial that shows you how to build a Macromedia Fireworks MX navigation bar that you can use on...

Views: 889 | Rating star | by Adam
Dreamweaver - Dreamweaver and Studio MX

Using Fireworks MX and Flash MX to create animation

Using Fireworks MX and Flash MX to create animation

This tutorial shows you how to add animation to your website with Macromedia Fireworks MX and Macromedia Flash MX.

Views: 948 | Rating star | by Slicer
Dreamweaver - Dreamweaver and Studio MX

Assembling and editing your Studio MX assets

Assembling and editing your Studio MX assets

This tutorial shows you how to assemble and edit site assets in Macromedia Dreamweaver MX.

Views: 953 | Rating star | by Ben
Dreamweaver - Dreamweaver and Studio MX

Building a database search feature

Building a database search feature

This tutorial shows you how to build a simple Macromedia ColdFusion MX search application with Macromedia Dreamweaver MX.

Views: 958 | Rating star | by Ben
Dreamweaver - Dreamweaver and Studio MX

Alerting a user when no matching records are found

Alerting a user when no matching records are found

This tutorial shows you how to add functionality to your results page that will alert a user when a database search returns no matching records.

Views: 922 | Rating star | by Sarah
Dreamweaver - Dreamweaver and Studio MX

Migrating from Macromedia ColdFusion Studio to Macromedia Dreamweaver MX

Migrating from Macromedia ColdFusion Studio to Macromedia Dreamweaver MX

This guide describes how you can start working comfortably and efficiently in Dreamweaver MX without abandoning old work habits.

Views: 928 | Rating star | by Sarah
Dreamweaver - Migrating to Dreamweaver

Migrating GoLive sites to Dreamweaver 4

Migrating GoLive sites to Dreamweaver 4

Web pages and sites created in Adobe GoLive are fairly easy to transfer to Macromedia Dreamweaver. However, there are a few issues to work out when...

Views: 927 | Rating star | by Adam
Dreamweaver - Migrating to Dreamweaver

Dreamweaver 3 for GoLive users

Dreamweaver 3 for GoLive users

If you're used to using GoLive, you'll find a number of features in Dreamweaver that offer advantages over GoLive and make your workflow...

Views: 928 | Rating star | by John
Dreamweaver - Migrating to Dreamweaver

Customizing Macromedia Dreamweaver MX

Customizing Macromedia Dreamweaver MX

Specifically, you'll learn how to customize the Insert bar, menus, browser profiles, third-party tags, and other aspects of Dreamweaver.

Views: 960 | Rating star | by Source
Dreamweaver - Customization

Macromedia Dreamweaver MX keyboard shortcuts

Macromedia Dreamweaver MX keyboard shortcuts

Many of the tasks you perform in Dreamweaver have keyboard shortcuts that help decrease your production time and increase your efficiency.

Views: 902 | Rating star | by Brad
Dreamweaver - Customization

Changing the default color palette

Changing the default color palette

If the color palette in Dreamweaver is not arranged in a way that you are familiar with or that you find useful you can change it.

Views: 995 | Rating star | by Jarry
Dreamweaver - Customization

Using keyboard shortcuts for Dreamweaver 4

Using keyboard shortcuts for Dreamweaver 4

Dreamweaver 4 includes many helpful Macromedia keyboard shortcut commands that can make you more efficient at doing your job.

Views: 922 | Rating star | by Donald
Dreamweaver - Customization

Creating a simple Commands extension

Creating a simple Commands extension

This simple extension adds an item to the Macromedia Dreamweaver MX Commands menu and allows you to convert selected text in your document to...

Views: 974 | Rating star | by Brad
Dreamweaver - Extensions

Extensible code coloring

Extensible code coloring

This article on extensible code coloring describes how to extend the Dreamweaver MX code coloring schemes that you see in Code View.

Views: 956 | Rating star | by Mark
Dreamweaver - Extensions

New features and interfaces for extending

New features and interfaces for extending

Macromedia Dreamweaver MX provides an array of new features and interfaces from which you can develop new extensions, expanding the capabilities of...

Views: 918 | Rating star | by Ben
Dreamweaver - Extensions

Adding extensions in Dreamweaver 3 and 4

Adding extensions in Dreamweaver 3 and 4

With the new Macromedia Exchange Web site, you can find and download new objects, commands, and other extensions.

Views: 959 | Rating star | by Slicer
Dreamweaver - Extensions