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Introduction to Frames

Introduction to Frames

This is a basic introduction to frames covering the commands and what they do to the browser screen.

Views: 1011 | Rating star | by Amy
HTML - Frames

Seamless Frames

Seamless Frames

Use frames...but don't let them see the seams.

Views: 974 | Rating star | by Jarry
HTML - Frames

In-Line Frames

In-Line Frames

Think frames -- but frames within a page that act just the same as full-screen frames. This is how you do it.

Views: 1000 | Rating star | by Slicer
HTML - Frames

Frame Border Color

Frame Border Color

Here's a very short tutorial on adding some color to your frame pages.

Views: 967 | Rating star | by Brad
HTML - Frames

Multiple Frame changes with one button

Multiple Frame changes with one button

Follow this tutorial to learn how to use one button to change two or more frames in one shot.

Views: 955 | Rating star | by Slicer
HTML - Frames

Escaping Frames and Staying within Frames

Escaping Frames and Staying within Frames

Got a page you don't want to open in someone else's frameset? Got a page that you do not want to open outside of a frameset? This will...

Views: 962 | Rating star | by Slicer
HTML - Frames

HTML 4.0: Frames

HTML 4.0: Frames

How does HTML 4.0 affect frame creation? Here's how!

Views: 933 | Rating star | by Mark
HTML - Frames

Working with Frames

Working with Frames

So if frames aren't all that and a bag of chips, why on Earth would you want to learn them? There is two very specific reasons: 1) Frames are...

Views: 922 | Rating star | by Simon
HTML - Frames

Transparent Iframe

Transparent Iframe

I suppose you have basic html skills and you know all about iframes, but do you know how to setup iframe to be transparent?!

Views: 933 | Rating star | by Slicer
HTML - Frames

coloring the scrollbar

coloring the scrollbar

This is how you can color the scrollbar of your page. To see the list of other codes, click here

Views: 940 | Rating star | by Sarah
HTML - Frames