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Glassy Orbs

Glassy Orbs

If you think Illustrator has the same look and feel as Photoshop, you couldn't be more wrong. After walking through this tutorial, you'll...

Views: 1794 | Rating star | by Simon
Illustrator - 3D

Gradient Meshes Introduction

Gradient Meshes Introduction

Although difficult to learn and time consuming to set up, gradient meshes can give your vector images an illusion of photorealism and detail that...

Views: 1609 | Rating star | by Stephen
Illustrator - 3D

Creating a 3D Model in Illustrator

Creating a 3D Model in Illustrator

This tutorial will teach you how to make 3D glasses on a carpet using Adobe Illustrator.

Views: 1707 | Rating star | by Adam
Illustrator - 3D

Create a 3D Pill

Create a 3D Pill

All those long hours and sleepless nights designing can really get to you. With this tutorial you'll learn how to create a 3D pill to cure...

Views: 1082 | Rating star | by Jarry
Illustrator - 3D

Hershey Kiss

Hershey Kiss

In this simple but tasty tutorial, you'll learn how to create a milk chocolate Hershey Kiss! I will not be responsible for those who hurt...

Views: 1120 | Rating star | by Nick
Illustrator - 3D

Drawing a Vase

Drawing a Vase

In this tutorial I will teach you how to draw a vase / pot. Here you will learn how to utilize some of the 3d functions in illustrator.

Views: 1008 | Rating star | by Sarah
Illustrator - 3D

Soccer Practice Cone

Soccer Practice Cone

Practice makes perfect as they say. With this tutorial you'll get some practice using the Revolve effect and learn how to make a soccer...

Views: 969 | Rating star | by Donald
Illustrator - 3D

3D Pie Graph & Reflection

3D Pie Graph & Reflection

Learn how to take a boring pie graph and turn it into a cool 3D graphic with reflection. Graph creation included.

Views: 1051 | Rating star | by Source
Illustrator - 3D

Creating an icon

Creating an icon

In this tutorial, you will learn to create an “about company” icon in Illustrator.

Views: 1034 | Rating star | by John
Illustrator - 3D

3D text effect in Illustrator

3D text effect in Illustrator

This tutorial shows how to create a 3D text effect in Illustrator

Views: 1051 | Rating star | by Daniel
Illustrator - 3D

3D Blue LCD Clock

3D Blue LCD Clock

Learn several tools and techniques while making a cool looking clock.

Views: 1025 | Rating star | by Amy
Illustrator - 3D

3D Chess Board, King, and Pawn

3D Chess Board, King, and Pawn

Make a 3D chess board and 2 chess pieces: the pawn, and the king. Learn Illustrator's 3D tools, pathfinders, how to make a grid, basic...

Views: 1006 | Rating star | by Sean
Illustrator - 3D

Flower vase illustrator tutorials

Flower vase illustrator tutorials

In this free adobe illustrator tutorial, I will demonstrate step to make a flower vase.

Views: 1007 | Rating star | by Brad
Illustrator - 3D

3d surfboard illustrator tutorial

3d surfboard illustrator tutorial

Lets learn how to make a 3d-leaf shaped surfboard 3d surfboard illustrator tutorial

Views: 1048 | Rating star | by Mathew
Illustrator - 3D

Create stylish 3D logo

Create stylish 3D logo

This tutorial will show you how to apple 3D effect in Illustrator CS and at the same time create a cool logo.

Views: 1032 | Rating star | by Simon
Illustrator - 3D

Create a oil lamp flame tutorials using illustrator techniques

Create a oil lamp flame tutorials using illustrator techniques

Here I will teach you about Design a oil lamp with flame - A cool tutorial in illustrator

Views: 968 | Rating star | by Mark
Illustrator - 3D

3d RSS icon

3d RSS icon

a simple illustrator showing how to create a 3d Rss icon in illustrator , simple effects of gradience and shadow give it a life which can be used...

Views: 980 | Rating star | by Mathew
Illustrator - 3D

Learn to make health website sports clubbanner

Learn to make health website sports clubbanner

Heres a illustrator cs3 tutorial on how to make a 3d apple, that you can use for a health related website or as a sports club banner

Views: 947 | Rating star | by Marry
Illustrator - 3D

Make a 3d red bloodcell button illustrator

Make a 3d red bloodcell button illustrator

Free Adobe illustrator cs3 tutorials on how to make a 3d red blood color cell or button.

Views: 959 | Rating star | by Tutorial
Illustrator - 3D

Learn a Chessboard 3d illustrator technique

Learn a Chessboard 3d illustrator technique

Cool adobe illustrator tutorial to draw a Chessboard.

Views: 949 | Rating star | by Donald
Illustrator - 3D