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Calculate Defining arrays using literal notation

Calculate Defining arrays using literal notation

Literal notation is a new way of defining arrays in JavaScript that's extremely flexible and robust. Learn about literal notation in this...

Views: 1017 | Rating star | by John
Javascript - Miscellaneous

Javascript Include Tutorial

Javascript Include Tutorial

This tutorial will briefly explain an easy way to do a javascript include.

Views: 1190 | Rating star | by Mathew
Javascript - Miscellaneous

JavaScript and Object Oriented Programming

JavaScript and Object Oriented Programming

JavaScript may not be known for its object oriented properties, but it does support most of the features required to be considered an Object...

Views: 1025 | Rating star | by Nick
Javascript - Miscellaneous

To hide the errors

To hide the errors

This code snippet lets you hide the error message which appears when there occurs a Javascript error in your pages. The script will still not...

Views: 1089 | Rating star | by Simon
Javascript - Miscellaneous

Manipulating image opacity in NS6

Manipulating image opacity in NS6

This tutorial explains the little known technique on manipulating image opacity in NS6, using CSS and DHTML.

Views: 1099 | Rating star 3 | by Amy
Javascript - Miscellaneous

Simple ChalkBoard Example

Simple ChalkBoard Example

Extremely simple example of turning background colors of the cells of the table on and off with mouse events to simulate a chalkboard. You can add...

Views: 1096 | Rating star | by Colin
Javascript - Mouse Tricks

Universal JavaScript Rollovers

Universal JavaScript Rollovers

This comprehensive tutorial explains various implementations of JavaScript rollovers. It discusses: How to use the document.images object, How to...

Views: 1114 | Rating star | by Mathew
Javascript - Mouse Tricks

Drop Down Menu Tutorial

Drop Down Menu Tutorial

This is a tutorial which creates a simple cross-browser drop-down menu system in JavaScript. Tested in IE 4+ NS 4+ NS6/7 Mozilla and Opera 5+. Now...

Views: 1138 | Rating star | by David
Javascript - Navigation

Creating a drop down navigational box

Creating a drop down navigational box

Learn how to implement a drop down menu box using the SELECT element of forms and JavaScript.

Views: 1088 | Rating star | by Marry
Javascript - Navigation

Navigation Trees

Navigation Trees

For Web sites that are organized in a hierarchical manner, trees are a great way to present hierarchical content. This tutorial describes how the...

Views: 1097 | Rating star | by Source
Javascript - Navigation

Navigation Menu JavaScript

Navigation Menu JavaScript

One of the simplest ways to add a navigation feature on your site is to put a drop down menu on each of your pages. This short tutorial describes...

Views: 1197 | Rating star | by Source
Javascript - Navigation

So, You Want A Remote Control, Huh?

So, You Want A Remote Control, Huh?

Here's a remote control panel that controls the bigger window. It allows you to open a specific page by clicking anf dragging the link with...

Views: 1133 | Rating star | by Marry
Javascript - Navigation

Pull-down Menu

Pull-down Menu

The pull down menu is an excellent to condense many links into a small area. In the older days the only way to process a pull-down menu was to use...

Views: 1082 | Rating star | by Marry
Javascript - Navigation

Using External JavaScript to Create Dynamic Content

Using External JavaScript to Create Dynamic Content

Create the script once and reference in any number of ways. The example goes into Date Stamps, News, Quotes, etc. One file to update and one line...

Views: 1040 | Rating star | by Stephen
Javascript - Randomizing

Generating a random number in JavaScript

Generating a random number in JavaScript

A random number is useful- if not required- in the creation of many popular JS applications, such as a dice, random image script, or random link...

Views: 1119 | Rating star | by Ben
Javascript - Randomizing

Restricting access of JavaScript libraries to your domains

Restricting access of JavaScript libraries to your domains

The nature of JavaScript libraries means they can be accessed and utilized by any site online, not just yours. Learn how to restrict access of your...

Views: 944 | Rating star | by Sarah
Javascript - Security

Formatting text (strings) in JavaScript

Formatting text (strings) in JavaScript

Learn how to format strings in JavaScript, such as making them bold, changing font size, etc.

Views: 1039 | Rating star | by Steve
Javascript - Text Effects

String handling (dissecting, splitting, and searching) in JavaScript

String handling (dissecting, splitting, and searching) in JavaScript

Comprehensive tutorial on string manipulation in JavaScript, such as dissecting, searching etc.

Views: 925 | Rating star | by Stephen
Javascript - Text Effects

Fading in text using the DOM

Fading in text using the DOM

This tutorial explains how to create text fading effect utilizing JavaScript and the new DOM of IE5/NS6.

Views: 1099 | Rating star | by Donald
Javascript - Text Effects

Sliding JavaScript Banners

Sliding JavaScript Banners

This 10-page tutorial shows how to create an animated news scroller in JavaScript along with several very useful DHTML techniques. Main topics...

Views: 1072 | Rating star | by Simon
Javascript - Text Effects