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The Basics of Linux Network Security

The Basics of Linux Network Security

The pervasiveness of the Internet has led to more and more opportunities for your company's servers to be attacked from without. Part-time...

Views: 1415 | Rating star | by Nick
Linux - Security

Controlling Access to Your Services with xinetd

Controlling Access to Your Services with xinetd

One of the most powerful aspects of Linux is its ability to launch services, or daemons, and run them in the background as needed. But running all...

Views: 1433 | Rating star | by Ben
Linux - Security

Using Apache with Suexec on Linux

Using Apache with Suexec on Linux

When you're running an Apache Web server for yourself, you don't think about the user that's running the Apache server itself...

Views: 933 | Rating star | by Nick
Linux - Security

General advice regarding Server Security

General advice regarding Server Security

General advices regarding security of a Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD and generaly Unix. Linux is more vulnerable because some distros have...

Views: 956 | Rating star | by Nick
Linux - Security

Hardening a Linux server in 10 minutes

Hardening a Linux server in 10 minutes

How to harden a Linux server in less than 10 minutes.

Views: 928 | Rating star | by Daniel
Linux - Security

How To Help Prevent SSH Attacks!

How To Help Prevent SSH Attacks!

This tutorial shows some effective methods to help prevent SSH attacks.

Views: 1037 | Rating star | by Jarry
Linux - Security

How to secure your Linux Box

How to secure your Linux Box

Recently, I have been watching a lot of my friends who use various versions of Windows getting a lot of viruses, mostly because of their...

Views: 967 | Rating star | by Stephen
Linux - Security

IPTABLES explained: Part 3 (Creating a complex IPTables script easily)

IPTABLES explained: Part 3 (Creating a complex IPTables script easily)

SCENARIO: A friend of mine had a problem, he has a home network similar to mine and a Wireless Access Point (AP) that he wanted to use since...

Views: 912 | Rating star | by Sarah
Linux - Security

IPTables Explained : Part 1 (a tutorial to UNDERSTANDING and CREATING your own rules)

IPTables Explained : Part 1 (a tutorial to UNDERSTANDING and CREATING your own rules)

This is a beginners' guide. Things are explained very simply here but it WILL give you a good understanding what iptables is and how to begin...

Views: 920 | Rating star | by Jason
Linux - Security

Linux Command Basics(ls and pwd)

Linux Command Basics(ls and pwd)

If you know linux you should have basic knowledge of the command line. If you don't this tutorial will help you out.

Views: 881 | Rating star | by Daniel
Linux - Security

SSH Private Internet connection

SSH Private Internet connection

How to setup a secure, private internet connection using SSH

Views: 888 | Rating star | by Steve
Linux - Security

Linux Detecting Rootkits

Linux Detecting Rootkits

A rootkit is a program designed to take fundamental control of a computer system, without authorization by the system’s owners and legitimate...

Views: 983 | Rating star | by Donald
Linux - Security

Hide your folders in KDE

Hide your folders in KDE

Want to keep your MP3s away from your boss’ or big brother’s view? Of course, in Linux anything that starts with a period is “suppose” to be...

Views: 939 | Rating star | by Daniel
Linux - Security