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Polar Coordinates Flare

Polar Coordinates Flare

A really cool way to swirl text and use a tool that you probably don't use too often.

Views: 449 | Rating star | by Stephen
Photoshop - Text Effects

Polar Coordinates Circle Text Tutorial

Polar Coordinates Circle Text Tutorial

This tutorial explains how to create circle text using the polar coordinates tool in photoshop.

Views: 452 | Rating star | by Troy
Photoshop - Text Effects

Music Quotes

Music Quotes

Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music

Views: 337 | Rating star | by Isac
Photoshop - Drawing

Create a mosaic with brushes and filters

Create a mosaic with brushes and filters

This tutorial will show you how to create a mosaic effect. In one of our older tutorials, we showed you how to achieve this result without filters....

Views: 282 | Rating star | by Isac
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Green Plastic Text

Green Plastic Text

This tutorial will show you how to make a green plastic text

Views: 479 | Rating star 4 | by Mathew
Photoshop - Text Effects

Fossil Effect

Fossil Effect

This tutorial will show you how to make a fossil effect

Views: 378 | Rating star | by Nick
Photoshop - Effects

Diamond Pendant Tutorial

Diamond Pendant Tutorial

This interactive Photoshop tutorial shows you how to use filters, blending modes, levels, and curves in order to create a gemstone from scratch.

Views: 385 | Rating star | by Jason
Photoshop - Drawing

Create a wind and direction compass

Create a wind and direction compass

This photoshop tutorial may be useful for designers looking for free lesson in Wind Direction and Temperatures, Aviation Forecast or Wind Direction...

Views: 347 | Rating star | by Mathew
Photoshop - Drawing

Make a green grass blade website banner

Make a green grass blade website banner

Looking for some green grass photoshop techniques for a cool layout image, try this tutorial here. This tutorial will help to learn how to draw...

Views: 407 | Rating star | by Slicer
Photoshop - Basics

Design a Bling blink star for scrapbooking background

Design a Bling blink star for scrapbooking background

Lets see if you need some cool images for your scrapbook project, here I will make some Crystal 3d Stars like bling starz.

Views: 432 | Rating star | by Brad
Photoshop - Basics

Design a web hosting offer banner for your website

Design a web hosting offer banner for your website

Create some kind of banner for offer like free web hosting or 25 off or sale banner for your website.

Views: 304 | Rating star | by Stephen
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Improve your renders with photoshop and save time

Improve your renders with photoshop and save time

Every CG artist uses adobe photoshop or a similar application regularly, but few improve 'finished' renders from 3ds max or another 3d...

Views: 367 | Rating star | by Ben
Photoshop - Effects

 Magma Text

Magma Text

Create an impressive magma text effect with just a few simple steps. Let's see how to do it!

Views: 417 | Rating star | by Mark
Photoshop - Text Effects

Make a glass of mixed grape fruit juice

Make a glass of mixed grape fruit juice

This tutorial essentially teaches you to make a murky liquid in a glass, you may call it Pink Grapefruit Lemonade Drink.

Views: 365 | Rating star | by Amy
Photoshop - Drawing

Design a 5MP canon digital camera

Design a 5MP canon digital camera

This Photoshop tutorial will give you some hint to create a 5megapixel Cannon Digital Camera

Views: 341 | Rating star | by Mark
Photoshop - Drawing

How to make a water pot and cup made of mash paper.

How to make a water pot and cup made of mash paper.

Lets recycle some paper and create a water pot and paper cups made of mashed paper. Lets open a new file in your favorite photoshop software version.

Views: 446 | Rating star | by Ben
Photoshop - Basics

Making of Missing Piece

Making of Missing Piece

This tutorial is about Missing Piece wallpaper. The most important thing you need for good wallpaper is the idea ;-). So I came up with pencil...

Views: 334 | Rating star | by Marry
Photoshop - Drawing

Attractive advertising banner

Attractive advertising banner

Create an attractive banner to maximize your click-through rate

Views: 295 | Rating star | by Donald
Photoshop - Web Graphics

Peeling Away Skin to Reveal Another Image

Peeling Away Skin to Reveal Another Image

There are many tutorials out that show you how to make an image look cracked and peeling. However I have never seen any that show you how to make...

Views: 289 | Rating star | by Jason
Photoshop - Photo Effects

Chrome Button

Chrome Button

Create a futuristic-looking chrome button for your website.

Views: 502 | Rating star | by Sarah
Photoshop - Buttons