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Metallic Navigation Interface in Photoshop

Metallic Navigation Interface in Photoshop

Learn to make a stylish metallic navigation interface using layer styles and simple shapes.

Views: 638 | Rating star | by Sarah
Photoshop - Buttons

Design a Stylish Button in Photoshop

Design a Stylish Button in Photoshop

In this quick and simple tutorial you will create a clean stylish button perfect for navigations or search forms.

Views: 706 | Rating star | by Stephen
Photoshop - Buttons

Add To Cart Button

Add To Cart Button

Create an easy to see Add To Cart button that will get your visitors attention.

Views: 670 | Rating star | by Tutorial
Photoshop - Buttons

Easy Black Button

Easy Black Button

This tutorial will show you how to create a black button

Views: 664 | Rating star | by Steve
Photoshop - Buttons

Creating WEB 2.0 menu

Creating WEB 2.0 menu

Creating a WEB 2.0 menu was never easyer, here is a quick and easy tutorial!

Views: 702 | Rating star | by Slicer
Photoshop - Buttons

Create a Sleek Button in Photoshop

Create a Sleek Button in Photoshop

In this quick and simple tutorial you will create a sleek button perfect for navigations or custom name button.

Views: 686 | Rating star | by Sarah
Photoshop - Buttons

Modern menu tutorial

Modern menu tutorial

Learn how to make this modern web 2.0 looking menu inspired by Luna Element Black windows theme.

Views: 926 | Rating star | by Ben
Photoshop - Buttons

Design an icon - principles of WEB 2.0 design

Design an icon - principles of WEB 2.0 design

Design an icon using basic PS techniques and layer styles. I will also explain the basic principles on WEB 2.0 design.

Views: 879 | Rating star | by Simon
Photoshop - Buttons