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Applying a texture to your Photoshop painting

Applying a texture to your Photoshop painting

Texturing a painting helps bring life to your image. Just take a look at your surroundings; There are textures everywhere. With this tutorial,...

Views: 472 | Rating star | by Mark
Photoshop - Digital Art

City Skyline Header

City Skyline Header

Don’t you just love the city that you live in? Here is how you can make a Website Header (and consequently the whole site) by using your city’s...

Views: 505 | Rating star | by Ben
Photoshop - Digital Art

Anime Vector Art

Anime Vector Art

This tutorial will teach you how to make vector anime cartoons, like the one you might have seen on Pokemon, BeyBlade or DragonBallZ.

Views: 518 | Rating star | by Tutorial
Photoshop - Digital Art

Autumn Tree Designing

Autumn Tree Designing

The next lesson we'll learn to create an illustration of the nature by imitating the vector pictures.

Views: 468 | Rating star | by Steve
Photoshop - Digital Art

Realistic and quick sketching! - video

Realistic and quick sketching! - video

want to make a fairly realistic sketch withing 10 minutes? take a look at this video tutorial to get a basic understanding of drawing with...

Views: 488 | Rating star | by Jason
Photoshop - Digital Art

Designing Wallpaper with Eagle

Designing Wallpaper with Eagle

The next lesson we'll learn to create the wall papers by imitating the vectorial picture.

Views: 491 | Rating star | by Colin
Photoshop - Digital Art

Fantastic Wallpapers

Fantastic Wallpapers

This tutorial I'll show you how to create some fantastic wallpapers on the desktop by imitating the vectorial style.

Views: 474 | Rating star | by Nick
Photoshop - Digital Art

Designing background for presentations

Designing background for presentations

A nice background that is useful for powerpoint, audio visual or multimedia presentations

Views: 510 | Rating star | by Brad
Photoshop - Digital Art

Credit Card

Credit Card

Design a good looking metallic credit card.

Views: 477 | Rating star | by Ben
Photoshop - Digital Art

Melodie of a bright day, painting tutorial

Melodie of a bright day, painting tutorial

Learn how to create a painting in photoshop. Graphic-tablet is advised.

Views: 475 | Rating star | by Daniel
Photoshop - Digital Art

Paint a wooden plank

Paint a wooden plank

In this tutorial you will learn how to paint a basic wooden plank. I suggest using a graphics tablet, it makes it much easier to paint.

Views: 461 | Rating star | by Amy
Photoshop - Digital Art

Compose your puzzles with Photoshop

Compose your puzzles with Photoshop

This tutorial shows you how to create a composition of pictures like a series of photos displaced on a desk and looking like a puzzle.

Views: 480 | Rating star | by Colin
Photoshop - Digital Art

Living In The Clouds Book Cover

Living In The Clouds Book Cover

Create a complete book cover with this easy to understand tutorial.

Views: 526 | Rating star | by Ben
Photoshop - Digital Art

Musical Cabaret - Digital Art

Musical Cabaret - Digital Art

The new lesson we'll try to represent a style illustration (a poster), dedicate to a certain topic, in this case – to the musicals....

Views: 489 | Rating star | by Colin
Photoshop - Digital Art

Wallpaper with glass dragon

Wallpaper with glass dragon

We'll learn to create the wallpapers, having on them a figure of glass dragon and we'll learn one of the methods of creating the rays.

Views: 490 | Rating star | by Jarry
Photoshop - Digital Art

Vector Style Poster Design

Vector Style Poster Design

This photoshop tutorial will show you how you can create a vector style poster design. Yep, it includes that spiffy “sun ray” element that’s...

Views: 517 | Rating star | by Source
Photoshop - Digital Art

Impulse Media Player Design

Impulse Media Player Design

Learn all the techniques behind designing an advanced media player that looks absolutely fantastic!

Views: 570 | Rating star | by Isac
Photoshop - Digital Art

a wooded night scene

a wooded night scene

In this scene you will create an up close view of a wooded scene.

Views: 451 | Rating star | by Sarah
Photoshop - Digital Art

Designing a backdrop for a health magazine cover

Designing a backdrop for a health magazine cover

A supercool abstract background effect that can be used to create magazine covers

Views: 468 | Rating star | by Troy
Photoshop - Digital Art

A commercial image from the shot to the publishing

A commercial image from the shot to the publishing

he proper way to realize an advertising image is “to think” as Photoshop does, during the whole workflow. In this project I worked mixing...

Views: 482 | Rating star | by Nick
Photoshop - Digital Art