High quality sharp and crisp digital photos are a result of many optical parameters that need to be set right. One of the most important optical...
Lets have some fun with photos! In this tutorial I show you some more advanced manipulation techniques.
Despite improved technology to remove dust from camera sensors; a routine of cleaning and maintenance are necessary to avoid common dust related...
Learn how to measure light temperatures accurately in digital photography so you will end up with a correct balance between white and colors,...
Learn how to make sure that all the subjects in a group portrait are in focus and composed without blur, includes information on adjusting depth of...
Learn easy professional steps for amateur photographers, information on composition and balanced exposures, includes techniques on color.
Photoshop Video Tutorial > Repair your old, damaged, ripped photographs with Healing Brush tool.
Learn how digital camera shake affects photos and how image stabilization and vibration reduction can reduce blur, includes photography tips in low...
Four simple rules that will get your colours spot on from camera to editing to printing. Sit back and relax - colour shouldn't be hard!
Need to take pictures of small shiny things? You need a light tent. Don't bother buying one - here's how to make one for free. You get to...
Kodak and Fuji award winning photographer Karen Parker shares her tips for getting the best night shots ever.
Information on how professional photographers use tips and techniques to create amazing images with their digital cameras; includes lessons on...
Information and guide on what you should look for when buying a new digital camera, includes explanations of specifications such as megapixels,...
Learn the techniques of the professional photographers for night photography with no tripod to steady their digital cameras, includes tips and...
Learn how to make digital photos stand out from the rest by taking advantage of some of the scene modes and functions on digital cameras.
Information on the most common photography mistakes or problems and camera tips on how to solve issues with composition, light, blur, and printing.
In the wake of the suicide airline hijackings of September 11, 2001, and their horrendous consequences, airline travel in the United States will...
From time to time, the technology of digital cameras can introduce unwanted artifacts. One type of artifact that you can fix with Photoshop is an...
Many photographers — even some experienced and knowledgeable ones — seem permanently confused about contrast, especially when the word is used...
Part of the reason that photographers don't shoot more after dark is that when shooting film it's very difficult to judge how the results...