The importance and usefulness of a skylight filter cannot be overestimated. Everyone should have at least one. Preferably, they should have one for...
When you take a picture not everything will be in focus. You may hear a lot said about �depth of field�. Don�t be confused by this...
In very simple terms, the ISO setting is a measure of how sensitive your camera sensor is to light. A low ISO (e.g. 100) will not be very sensitive...
A polarizing filter is made up of two pieces of glass which when rotated cut out all glare on non-metallic surfaces. Light travels in waves - these...
A beautiful sunset is very “orangey” and has a Kelvin temperature of about 2500. However, a blue sky has a Kelvin temperature of 10,000. The...
If you want your subjects to be pleased with the results of your work, then make sure you get a lens fit for the job. And that means, one with the...
Everybody knows that if your digital camera does not produce enough pixels (or actually megapixels) printing its photos on a large paper size will...
In order to correctly expose your film or digital CCD there are two variables that must be identified: average reflectance and average light....
While understanding all the properties of light would be beneficial to the photographer/artist, it is just as effective to recognize the effect of...
I'm here today to try to illustrate the benefits of ISO. It is a prominent feature on all of the latest digital cameras, and is something that...
A prime lens is a lens for a Single Lens Reflex (SLR) camera with a fixed focal length. This is a good start, but let's discuss further.
Many of us think that if only we lived when cameras took colorless photos. It is rather easy to do that with digital computers. Here, we are...
The proper position of the flash is directly over the lens. This will ensure that any shadows from the flash will occur behind the head and body...
The key to successful night photography lies in a long exposure. We�re talking about exposures measured in seconds.
Your lens is an essential element to good photographs. It's not just your camera. People spend thousands of dollars on a good camera and...
Light creates shadow and shadow in return, enhances the appearance of the subject. The interaction of the two is fascinating. Light can make the...
When should you use hyperfocal focusing? Well, sometimes when shooting a landscape, you want everything sharp from the front to the back of the scene.
The golden rule when taking pictures of people is to always think about what you are doing before you press the shutter release.
Never line up the faces vertically or horizontally. The reason for this rule is that curves, triangles and diagonals create a more dynamic flow and...
Whether we use a digital or film camera, we need to be able to calculate exposure properly. But first, we need to understand how the aperture and...