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Simulate Handwriting

Simulate Handwriting

Animate the the writing of some text into your video.

Views: 1352 | Rating star | by Jason
Premiere - Animation

Earth Shake

Earth Shake

Create an illusion of a shaking earth. Great effect for action sequences. See example on a famous Headbutt clip with Zidane and Materazzi.

Views: 968 | Rating star | by Colin
Premiere - Animation

Inserting an object into a movie

Inserting an object into a movie

Learn how to insert a foreign object into your movie and make it seem like it belongs there.

Views: 980 | Rating star | by Colin
Premiere - Animation

XSpro for Premiere Pro 2 and CS3 Color Enhancements

XSpro for Premiere Pro 2 and CS3 Color Enhancements

Using the product XSPro for color grading production enhancements.

Views: 941 | Rating star | by Stephen
Premiere - Animation

XSpro for Premiere Pro 2 and CS3 Using Cinematics

XSpro for Premiere Pro 2 and CS3 Using Cinematics

Using cinematic for movie enhancements in Premiere Pro CS3

Views: 900 | Rating star | by Troy
Premiere - Animation

Gofast Title Effect on Premiere Pro 2

Gofast Title Effect on Premiere Pro 2

Gofast Title Effect on Premiere Pro 2 in After Effects CS3

Views: 920 | Rating star | by Mathew
Premiere - Animation

3d moving text on Premiere Pro 2

3d moving text on Premiere Pro 2

Add a nice 3D title aspect using material and lighting.

Views: 938 | Rating star | by Isac
Premiere - Animation

Color correcting on Premiere Pro 2

Color correcting on Premiere Pro 2

Simple way how to color correct your videos fast inside of After Effects CS3

Views: 980 | Rating star | by Marry
Premiere - Animation

Gofast Title 2# on Premiere Pro 2

Gofast Title 2# on Premiere Pro 2

Material and nice lighting for some awesome resultation.

Views: 0 | Rating star | by Brad
Premiere - Animation