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Ruby on Rails Resources

Ruby on Rails Resources

A page giving you direct links to important resources related to Ruby on Rails

Views: 971 | Rating star | by Mark
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

A tutorial on Ruby on Rails Installation

A tutorial on Ruby on Rails Installation

A tutorial on Ruby on Rails Installation on various platforms like Linux, Windows and Mac System

Views: 887 | Rating star | by Jason
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Making a blog app (with comments) in Rails

Making a blog app (with comments) in Rails

I'm a ruby and rails newcomer, and for my wordpress blog 'nubyonrails' decided to work through David Heinemeier Hansson's...

Views: 852 | Rating star | by Sean
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

Ruby Sockets Programming

Ruby Sockets Programming

Learn Ruby basics as well as the most important classes for sockets programming, and then look at a working chat application that illustrates these...

Views: 862 | Rating star | by David
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

How to search with acts_as_ferret

How to search with acts_as_ferret

This is a basic example of how to use ferret, acts_as_ferret, and will_paginate to implement search functionality in a Ruby on Rails application.

Views: 867 | Rating star | by Nick
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

How to set a character limit for a Ruby on Rails RSS feeds

How to set a character limit for a Ruby on Rails RSS feeds

I was making a RSS feed the other day and wanted to limit the number of characters in my description. Here is how I did it.

Views: 872 | Rating star | by Sean
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started

How to create a Photo Gallery

How to create a Photo Gallery

Create a photo gallery using the attachment_fu plugin.

Views: 957 | Rating star | by Jarry
Ruby on Rails - Getting Started